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They also suffer from bad erections!

They also suffer from bad erections!

Erectile dysfunction, the sexual disorder that disrupts married life! The more you and your partner know about erectile dysfunction, the better you’ll be able to manage it together together. Here are a few key points you can discuss to get the ball rolling and ease the discomfort of a bad erection.

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Avoid these foods to get a good erection!

Avoid these foods to get a good erection!

Many foods have a beneficial effect on our bodies. And, when it comes to our sexual performance, nature has many surprises in store for us. However, while some products improve performance, others are real risk foods that should be avoided at all costs! In the rest of this article, we’ll look at the foods to […]

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Rebalancing your diet, the keys!

Rebalancing your diet, the keys!

Rebalancing your diet is one of the keys to keeping your figure, but also to staying in shape and enjoying life to the full! It’s a fact that the era in which we live today tends to promote the hamburger rather than the plate of crudités! Why are we so sick of what we eat? […]

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Good resolutions to lose weight this year!

Good resolutions to lose weight this year!

Good resolutions for the New Year… Here’s a headline that’s often found on the pages of magazines and other daily newspapers, as January 1st approaches each year! I know, you’re going to tell me that it’s already January 2nd and that I’ve certainly forgotten my resolutions from yesterday! Well, I haven’t… If you’re the kind […]

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How much will it cost to train your dog?

How much will it cost to train your dog?

The canine breed has been shaped to provide companion animals for mankind. It is therefore necessary to educate and understand it. For this reason, many people turn to a professional dog trainer. This initiative has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages, not least the cost of the services, which is quite high. However, there […]

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How to build muscle fast without doping?

How to build muscle fast without doping?

Looking to build muscle fast, without doping? Here are a few simple tips to help you achieve your bodybuilding goals. Since time is an important factor to consider, it’s important to focus on the essentials. If you want to build muscle and bulk up fast, there are a few guidelines to follow…

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7 truths about your penis!

7 truths about your penis!

The penis, so dear to the hearts of men, is, for most of them, of paramount importance in everyday life. But gentlemen, despite all the attention you pay to it, you’re still far from knowing everything there is to know about this fascinating machine… In these few lines, SpecialHomme tells you 7 truths you should […]

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Best slimming product: the signs of a scam

Best slimming product: the signs of a scam

On every blog and website specializing in weight loss supplements, you’ll find a flagship product touted as the best slimming product of all time. Some sources are honest, while others simply relay articles by other authors or are simply sponsored to present said pill as the best slimming product. How do you know whether a […]

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Slimming cream: What you need to know

Slimming cream: What you need to know

What do you think about applying a slimming cream and losing 3 cm around the waist in 4 weeks? Are the creams we see advertised on TV and all over the net really effective? Do they really have the magical power to make you lose weight without moving a finger or changing your eating habits? […]

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How to build muscle: 3 tips

How to build muscle: 3 tips

Many people go to the gym in the hope of becoming the new Apollo without too much effort. However, the majority of these people have absolutely no idea how to build muscle, and inevitably stop bodybuilding because they find the activity too hard and the results not fast enough or not satisfying enough. If you’re […]

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