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Choosing the right weight-loss program can make a significant difference to your long-term weight-loss success. Making the decision to reorganize your diet and shed those extra pounds takes courage, dedication, time and effort, but it’s entirely doable. Before embarking on a weight-loss program, it’s a good idea to consult a health professional. This is imperative […]
To find out more...So how can you lose weight without frustration and, above all, in a healthy way? There are many ways to lose a lot of weight quickly. However, most of them will leave you hungry and unsatisfied. If you don’t have iron willpower, hunger will make you give up quickly on any diet you start. The […]
To find out more...It’s not just solid foods that count when it comes to reducing your body weight. In fact, you need to look at what you’re drinking too. There are weight-loss drinks and weight-gain drinks! While you may think that fruit juices and energy drinks are healthy for you, you should be aware that many of them […]
To find out more...A new study [1] has apparently challenged everything we know about the subject! In 2015, the journal “Cell Metabolism” published a study that should have changed the game. Why? Because the findings of this study reported that, contrary to current belief, a low-fat diet can lead to greater body fat loss better than a low-carbohydrate […]
To find out more...Metabolic syndrome may not be a disease, but it’s more than just the fact that your metabolism has become slow or unbalanced. In fact, it’s a health condition that results from a combination of several physiological and biochemical disorders. The term “metabolic” refers to the biochemical processes involved in the normal functioning of the body. […]
To find out more...Consulting a dietician is sometimes the ultimate solution to the vicious circle of excess weight and adopt a more balanced lifestyle. In recent years, this profession has been booming, attracting more and more practitioners and customers. In its annual report for 2013, the DREES (Direction de Recherche, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques) estimated […]
To find out more...The symptoms and chronic illnesses associated with heavy metal intoxication (also known as heavy metal poisoning) are now considered a health problem of worldwide concern. [1]. Exposure to toxic heavy metals is thought to be a contributing factor, if not a direct cause, of symptoms such as low energy, mood disorders and cognitive changes. Heavy […]
To find out more...The FDA (US Food & Drug Administration) publishes a regularly updated list of unsafe slimming supplements on its official website. These products all represent irregularities in the agency’s standards and guidelines, hiding an ingredient without mentioning it in their displayed composition, or using a prohibited ingredient, for example. This list is not exhaustive, and the […]
To find out more...Every time we have to calculate calories in order to lose weight, we quickly get bored and give up. In fact, this seems to be the most common reason why many diets and slimming cures are abandoned. It’s true that calculating daily food intake to create a calorie deficit is a solution that works. But […]
To find out more...Iodine is an essential mineral not synthesized by the body. It is used by the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones, which control the growth and repair of damaged cells and promote healthy metabolism. According to statistics, around a third of the world’s population suffers from iodine deficiency. The people most affected by this deficiency […]
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