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Erectile dysfunction, the sexual disorder that disrupts married life!
The more you and your partner know about erectile dysfunction, the better you’ll be able to manage it together together.
Here are a few key points you can discuss to get the ball rolling and ease the discomfort of a bad erection.
Not having a firm erection is a fairly common occurrence. The inability to achieve a solid, lasting erection +/- 20 times out of 100 is not abnormal.
True erectile dysfunction affects around 1 in 10 men, and more than half of men over 50 experience this problem from time to time.
Indeed, many older men may experience a decrease in the quality of their erections and an increase in the interval between erections. They may need more stimulation.
But, contrary to popular belief, erectile dysfunction is not an automatic result of aging. Many so-called “old” people still achieve more than decent erections. And even if erectile dysfunction increases with age, they can still enjoy a fulfilling and pleasurable sex life for many years to come!
In most cases, solutions for erectile dysfunction are both available and effective.
Available treatments include oral and injectable medications, sex therapies, sexual aid devices, and surgery.
Women have sexual problems too. Up to 70% of couples experience sexual health problems from time to time. Women may experience loss of desire and arousal, and may even feel pain during intercourse.
These sexual problems must also be taken into account.
If your partner has an erectile dysfunction, the most important way to deal with it is through communication: first, and always, talk about it. This helps to tame the problem and keep it under control, so that treatment can be considered and the chances of a cure increased. With two, it’s always possible!
Here are a few tips to help you deal with this type of situation as a couple:
Having a bad erection is a sexual problem that affects both partners in a relationship, and the best way to manage and cope with it is to try and find solutions together, as a couple. Open and honest communication is the basis of a good sexual relationship.