Reviews To Avoid Scams And Fraud Of All Kinds

All articles published by Testeur Pilules

Best slimming product: the signs of a scam

Best slimming product: the signs of a scam

On every blog and website specializing in weight loss supplements, you’ll find a flagship product touted as the best slimming product of all time. Some sources are honest, while others simply relay articles by other authors or are simply sponsored to present said pill as the best slimming product. How do you know whether a […]

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Slimming cream: What you need to know

Slimming cream: What you need to know

What do you think about applying a slimming cream and losing 3 cm around the waist in 4 weeks? Are the creams we see advertised on TV and all over the net really effective? Do they really have the magical power to make you lose weight without moving a finger or changing your eating habits? […]

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Slimming pills: tips for choosing the right one

Slimming pills: tips for choosing the right one

How to choose the right slimming drug? It’s a question that comes up all the time in your letters and comments, dear readers. It has to be said that with the development of the weight loss supplement industry, it has become increasingly difficult to find an effective and safe slimming pill. We try to give […]

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Weight loss pills: do they have side effects?

Weight loss pills: do they have side effects?

Among all the weight-loss options available to you, you’ve decided to take slimming pills. However, in addition to the sometimes high cost of these weight-loss aids, you’re also wondering about the side-effects of these products. In fact, a dietary supplement, even if it’s certified 100% natural, could well cause health problems. Rest assured, this is […]

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Losing weight: how much will it cost?

Losing weight: how much will it cost?

You’ve decided to lose weight, and you’re using all the means at your disposal (dietary supplements, special foods, gyms, etc.). In short, you’ve decided to do everything in your power to achieve your goal. Your intentions are good, but beware: all this comes at a cost, not to be underestimated. In fact, between the various […]

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Slimming products: How to choose the right one?

Slimming products: How to choose the right one?

Losing weight with the help of a slimming product is a very popular choice these days. Whether you’re looking to shed a few extra kilos or maintain your ideal weight, slimming products can be a great help – if you know how to choose the right one. We know it’s not easy to choose, with […]

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10 reasons why you’ll never lose weight

10 reasons why you’ll never lose weight

You’ve decided to take the bull by the horns! You can’t stand those extra kilos any longer, and you want to wage war on them! That’s not a bad resolution in itself, but be careful how you go about it. Too many people embark on unsustainable diets, sign up for a gym membership only to […]

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Fat Burner: How to get the most out of it

Fat Burner: How to get the most out of it

A fat burner can be very useful for weight loss. But among the hundreds of products marketed online and direct sales, it’s very difficult to find the one that works for you. And even if you do manage to find the one that’s right for you, you can’t be sure you’ll get the most out […]

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Effective slimming pill: will it work for me?

Effective slimming pill: will it work for me?

Hardly a day goes by without us receiving a letter from a frustrated reader who doesn’t understand why this or that effective slimming pill hasn’t worked for him/her. Don’t all diet pills work? Are all the reviews and testimonials wrong? Of course not! There are effective slimming pills that give results and make you lose […]

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Free trial of a weight loss product: Why you should NEVER accept!

Free trial of a weight loss product: Why you should NEVER accept!

A free trial of a weight-loss product can quickly turn from a simple online purchase into a real nightmare that will make you lose…the desire to lose weight! Yes, we know you’re so motivated to shed those unwanted pounds that you end up… the victim of a free trial scam! Many malicious people take advantage […]

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