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Article by Corinne Kepler

Slimming products: How to choose the right one?

Updated on 30 October 2023.

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Tips for choosing the right slimming supplementLosing weight with the help of a slimming product is a very popular choice these days. Whether you’re looking to shed a few extra kilos or maintain your ideal weight, slimming products can be a great help – if you know how to choose the right one.

We know it’s not easy to choose, with all the Brands on the market, all claiming to be able to melt away your fat in no time.

So how do you choose the right slimming product?

First, by learning more about the products available and the types of slimming products that are best suited to your needs.

This will save you a lot of wasted time (and disappointment) trying to find the right slimming product for you. It will also protect you from many of the scams that flourish on the web.

Prescription slimming products :

Some slimming pills require a prescription from a doctor.

For this type of slimming product, your doctor is only supposed to prescribe it if you’re suffering from obesity, and only if he or she thinks you absolutely must lose weight to avoid aggravating a health problem you’re suffering from.

These pills are quite strong, and often cause painful side-effects, which is why a doctor will only prescribe them when he or she is obliged to do so to prevent deterioration in a patient’s health or to avoid putting his or her life in danger because of excess weight.

In any case, prescription pills are always taken under medical supervision for safety reasons.

What’s more, buying these pills without being prescribed by your doctor is strictly forbidden by law. And even if you can find them on the Internet, we strongly advise you not to buy them, because they’re illegal, risky for your health, and sometimes counterfeit, which, if they don’t make you lose weight, will certainly make you lose money.

Over-the-counter slimming products :

If you’re not overweight and don’t need to be treated under medical supervision, there are over-the-counter slimming pills available.

Note, however, that buying these over-the-counter slimming pills is not without risk, and that’s precisely why we’ve set up testeurpilules.com: to help you understand and avoid the risks involved in buying over-the-counter slimming pills.

Indeed, many of these over-the-counter slimming pills simply don’t work, some are dangerous, while others are simply scams to get your money.

All it takes is a little online research to find some very good sites offering quality information on the best choice to make when looking for the best slimming product.

Unfortunately, there are also countless sites that claim to give you an objective opinion on a particular slimming drug, when in fact the site is set up by the manufacturer of that product itself.

It’s to help you avoid these kinds of scams that testeur-pilules.com was created, to help you avoid buying weight-loss pills that don’t work.

That said, there are over-the-counter medications that can help you lose weight. Our challenge is to help you choose which of the many types of slimming pills available is best for you, which can work for you and which will give the best results.

Types of slimming products

Today, there are several types of natural slimming products: fat catchers, appetite suppressants, fat burners, carbohydrate blockers, and dual-action or multiple-action pills.

Fat-burning slimming product:

Without doubt, the most popular type of slimming product of all.

Fat burners are slimming products that act on a slow metabolism (which tends not to burn enough calories), to increase its efficiency and potential to increase the amount of fat burned during physical exertion, whether it’s simply walking or physical exercise.

This type of product is suitable for people who enjoy doing even simple physical exercise on a regular basis and are looking for a way to burn more fat, without any extra effort. It also has a considerable advantage over other products: burning more calories will give you more energy and make you feel fitter.

Slimming appetite suppressant product:

Appetite suppressants, as their name suggests, act directly on the stomach, inducing a satiety effect. This type of slimming product naturally “fills” the stomach, which then relays the information to the brain, stopping the urge to eat more.

This type of slimming product is best suited to people who find it difficult to stop snacking between meals or have a tendency to overeat.

Fat catcher slimming product:

Fat captors are a type of slimming product derived from plants generally rich in special fibers, which can bind to fats entering the stomach (hydrophilic bonds) and prevent them from entering the body. In this way, fats are eliminated through natural channels.

This type of product is particularly recommended for people who love to eat hearty meals from time to time and can’t bear to feel deprived, even if it’s to lose weight.

They can also be useful if you often have to eat high-fat fast food.

However, don’t rely on these products if you eat a lot of fat, as they generally only block 30% of the fat you consume. If you don’t consume a lot of fat, they won’t help you lose weight either.

Many of these fat traps, even if they work well, can cause annoying side effects: bloating, stomach irritation and trips to the toilet…

Fortunately, the best of these fat traps do not cause these side effects.

Carbohydrate-blocking slimming product:

Instead of blocking fat, these slimming pills block certain carbohydrates, preventing the body from converting them into storable fat.

Consuming too many carbohydrates is considered responsible for rapid weight gain, as excess carbohydrates are processed and stored in the body as fat.

Some well-known diets are built around this idea.

Dual-action or multiple-action slimming pills

The concept here is that by combining several ingredients, including fat burners and appetite suppressants, the slimming product in question will suppress the desire to eat more, and burn more of the calories that have actually been consumed.

This has the effect of fighting fat on all fronts.

Beware, however, of a slimming product that contains a really large number of ingredients, as good components are quite expensive, so manufacturers are content to put in a small dosage, which will reduce or eliminate the desired effect altogether.

To consult the tests published in each category, use our search field at the top of the page to enter the name or category of the pill you wish to consult.

Otherwise, here are a few trustworthy slimming products perfect to accompany a good weight loss method: Serious & reliable weight loss pills

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