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Posted by René Ronse

TestoUltra, Reviews, Advice & Pitfalls, We reveal everything!

Updated on 1 April 2024.
Rating: 2.5/5. From 2 votes.
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Evaluation, Rating and Critical Review of TestoUltra


Product name : TestoUltra


Responsible : BioTrim Labs.

Official Website :

Language : English

Tiny description : Supplement to boost sexual power.

Price : £29.95

Format : Bottle of 60 capsules

Delivery : standard delivery

Guarantee : /

Review of TestoUltra :

Testo UltraTesto Ultra presents itself as a testosterone booster for men who are looking for manly performance, especially at a “delicate” age.

We all know that old age inevitably leads to certain dysfunctions, especially in our sex life. Thus, many men are confronted with erectile dysfunction, a systematic decrease in libido, and general fatigue in bed.

Products like Testo Ultra are designed to respond to this type of concern. They are dietary supplements that save you from going to the doctor’s office and regain some of your former performance.

But how does this pill work and does it really work?

Testo Ultra, a testosterone booster but not only…

Testo Ultra LibidoThe name of this pill, Testo Ultra, announces its color right away. We can quickly guess the type of people targeted by this offer: men in search of their sexual vigor. The “sexual wellness” market is full of all kinds of products and this represents both advantages and disadvantages!

A larger offer means a multitude of solutions for all tastes, but also all conditions. It is in this sense that I would like to insist on the fact that a food supplement that works for one person, does not necessarily work for another. You must first know what you really need, and then choose the right product.

On the other hand, the market also carries a risk of scams related to counterfeiting, false claims, online payment fraud. You are called to do your homework before deciding to place an order!

In addition to its action on testosterone, what does Testo Ultra promise?

The promises of the manufacturer of Testo Ultra

Here is how the manufacturer of this pill talks about it on its official website :

TestoUltra is a 100% natural, effective and safe pill, it can provide a complete solution to the challenges of a man’s sex life. Only TestoUltra can promise more virility, potency and pleasure without the need for a prescription and without any health risks. This dietary supplement combines natural ingredients with proven effectiveness and the focus you need to maximize your libido.

Testo Ultra BottleOn the one hand, one understands the “marketing” motivations that would push sellers to set the bar, often, quite high in terms of claims. However, on the other hand, we should be more and more vigilant when faced with phrases of this type. While every product tries to stand out from the crowd, you have to know how to do it!

So Testo Ultra is a pill that is supposed to contain natural ingredients that will help you to :

  • Increase the strength and duration of your erections;
  • have more sexual appetite;
  • have more energy for more time;
  • obtain more intense and powerful orgasms;

As an ultimate promise, thanks to Testo Ultra, women will be surprised at your manhood! We hope so anyway…

The ingredients of Testo Ultra

The formula of TestoUltra has 4 ingredients that are found in most sexual enhancement pills. These are mainly natural plant extracts known for their aphrodisiac and vasodilator effects that improve erections.

We thus find:


Also answering to the name of Horny Goat Weed in the USA, this plant comes from the ancestral medicine of China. Epimedium has often been used in cases of erectile dysfunction, but also in cases of low libido. Thanks to its active agent, icariin (a flavonoid), Epimedium acts on the smooth muscles of the cavernous body of the penis, allowing them to achieve firmer erections.

This herb is also known to increase testosterone levels in the blood.

Tongkat Ali root

Native to Malaysia, Eurycoma longifolia (its scientific name) is a tree that is also known as Malaysian ginseng. The roots of Tongkat Ali are known for their ability to boost testosterone levels in men. In women, as in men, this plant improves libido. It is an aphrodisiac that fits into the composition of several dietary supplements.

Saw Palmetto

Or Saw Palmetto, is a plant whose berries are known for their effect in treating the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. Its presence in the formula of TestoUltra aims especially to provide more energy and sexual vigor. Saw palmetto is a good libido activator.

Nettle root

A good regulator of testosterone in the body. It is a mild but effective aromatase inhibitor that controls estrogen and promotes testosterone levels and subsequently improve DHT levels.

How to use TestoUltra?

The manufacturer of this product recommends taking 2 pills daily, to constantly maintain good manly energy. More punctually, it is possible to take a pill 30 minutes before each sexual intercourse.

Side effects and contraindications of Testo Ultra

With a declared 100% natural composition, this product is not supposed to present any health risks. However, its use is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women as well as for minors. In general, it is recommended to talk to your doctor about any dietary supplement you plan to introduce into your diet.

Purchasing Testo Ultra

On its official website, you will have to fill in a form with name, address and phone. No mention of the price is displayed at this stage (see image) :

Testo Ultra Purchase

Our review of Testo Ultra

The ingredients listed seem interesting to us from a scientific point of view. However, we criticize the manufacturer/seller for not providing the dosage information for these ingredients. This is crucial information when it comes to buying a dietary supplement.

On the other hand, not displaying a public price and demanding first information on the address and phone contact does not reassure us too much and reminds us of some examples of products with worries!

So we do not recommend this product!

For those who are looking for an alternative, I suggest you take a look at this very serious and effective sexual strength and stamina booster for men that has already proven itself!

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