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Posted by Jean-Marie Besnard

Semenax, Reviews, Advice & Pitfalls, We reveal everything!

Updated on 27 October 2023.
Rating: 4.5/5. From 2 votes.
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Evaluation, Rating and Critical Review of Semenax

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Product name : Semenax


Responsible : Leading Edge Health Ltd.

Official Website :

Language : English

Tiny description : Increase in volume and quality of sperm.

Price : $59.95

Format : bottle of 120 capsules

Delivery : UPS or DHL

Guarantee : 67 days (100% money back if not satisfied)

Description of Semenax :

Semenax is a male sexuality booster known as one of the best dietary supplements of its kind capable of improving the quality and increasing the volume of semen significantly!

Review of Semenax :

Semenax is ranked as one of the best sperm enhancement pills on the market. The manufacturer claims that the pill increases the quality and quantity of your sperm by over 500%!

But does the Semenax pill really work? Can it be consumed by all men? What are the ingredients that make this pill a real male fertility booster?

If you are looking for a solution that will concretely help you improve your ejaculation and increase the quantity and quality of your semen, we advise you to read this test that sheds light on SEMENAX, its ingredients, how it works and its drawbacks.

Who makes SEMENAX?

Semenax is manufactured under good manufacturing practices (cGMP) by Leading Edge Health, a company that specializes in the development of natural pills and supplements for sexual health. This is the same company that manufactures, among others, the VigRX Plus pill which is very popular among men who want to enlarge their penis.

The pill was tried and tested before being put on the market. LEADING EDGE HEALTH is a well-known, certified laboratory that we trust because we have already tested several of its products that have proven to be safe, effective and continue to receive positive testimonials from users.

What are its main ingredients?

Semenax is a pill made of a combination of several ingredients that work on two main levels; it contains ingredients that increase the levels of testeosterone and ingredients that improve the health of your prostate.

Let’s look at these in more detail :

  • Epimedium extract: Belonging to the Berberidaceae family, this herb increases testosterone levels.
  • Earth Tribute – Another powerful Chinese herb that increases testosterone production. It is also used in male fertility treatments.
  • L-lysine – An amino acid that helps increase sperm volume and testosterone levels.
  • Maca – Another legendary testosterone booster.
  • Catuaba – Brazilian aphrodisiac plant that increases libido by stimulating the nervous system.
  • Pumpkin Seed – Improves prostate health whose key role is to produce prostatic fluid, a nutrient that improves semen quality.
  • Cranberry extract – Another prostate health enhancing agent.
  • Aubepin – Regulates prostate health and enhances the sexual mechanism.
  • Zinc – Improves sexual energy and semen quality.
  • Vitamin E – Improves health and keeps sexual organs active.
  • L-Arginine – Amino acid prescribed for men with infertility. L-Arginine can outright double sperm production.

We think these ingredients, and their well thought out blend, make Semenax a more than capable pill.

How the SEMENAX pill works

We all know that an orgasm occurs when a series of specific muscle contractions pump semen out of the penis. Low sperm production leads, therefore, to less contraction, and in this case, the orgasm only lasts 2 or 3 seconds.

If your body produces more semen, it will lead to more intense and longer lasting orgasms, which will give you and your partner a lot of pleasure.

Thanks to the powerful blend of its natural ingredients, Semenax allows for increased semen volume.

Benefits of SEMENAX

The main benefit of this product is of course its ability to increase semen volume and quantity!

This will not only allow you to have more intense sex but also increase your fertility and therefore your chances of conceiving a child.

Moreover, your libido will be boosted and your partner will also enjoy more extreme orgasms!

Other benefits :

  • Natural ingredients
  • No noticeable side effects
  • Good selection of bonuses
  • Satisfaction or money back guarantee


Semenax does not have any very disturbing drawbacks.

However, two points can still be mentioned.

Firstly, Semenax only offers a 30-day warranty, a much shorter period than those offered by other products.

What you can do, however, is to continue using it for up to 23 days, and if you do not notice the desired effect you will have one week to ask for a refund of your investment.

The second small disadvantage is that it is only available on the official website of the manufacturer. Indeed, you will not be able to find Semenax in a pharmacy or in any other store, this is a problem for people who are not comfortable with internet purchases.

On the other hand, if you have already bought any product on the internet, you will be able to easily order SEMENAX via its official website and in full discretion.

Will SEMENAX work for me too?

To be honest, we tell you right away: No product can work for everyone!

The tests we did on SEMENAX did give results, but we couldn’t continue the tests any longer. A period of 4 weeks was enough for us to notice a clear increase in the quantity of sperm in men who did not suffer from any health problem (up to 80% increase in only 3 weeks).

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of SEMENAX, like any other medication, depends on several elements that are relative to each user. The state of health is an important factor, the age of the man and also the taking of other medications in parallel can influence the functioning of the pill.

The duration of the treatment you will follow is decisive. The results cannot be noticed in one week of taking the pill, for example. Logical, isn’t it?

Review of SEMENAX

Semenax is a pill that can boost your fertility by increasing your sperm count and, as a result, will give you more intense orgasms that last longer.

We recommend you to try this pill if you feel like producing more sperm in order to get more pleasure and also to give more pleasure to your partner.

All the ingredients contained in SEMENAX are natural and already known for their virtues in increasing libido. It is, therefore, a product that should be without notable side effects for your health.

On the other hand, if you suffer from health problems or if you are following any medical treatment, you must first consult your doctor, he will tell you if you can take this supplement or not.

If we have any advice to give you, it is to start by ordering the one month treatment in order to check the effectiveness of the product for you. You don’t need to pay much attention to notice the difference, as the quantity of sperm increases considerably within 2 weeks after taking the medication.

One last tip: Without a healthy lifestyle, NO product will work. So start by changing your habits little by little while getting help from pills for men like SEMENAX.

Where to buy SEMENAX?

We already mentioned it as a small drawback, SEMENAX is only available through its official website. This represents a small obstacle for men who are not used to shopping on the internet. On the other hand, the operation is simple, you just have to be careful when filling in the personal and bank details.

By ordering SEMENAX on its official website, you guarantee a secure and extremely discreet purchase. Indeed, you will not be obliged to explain to the salesmen at the corner pharmacy that you wish to increase your volume of sperm, or that you seek to intensify your orgasms. Hence the advantage of placing this order from your computer in complete privacy!

Official Website :

Go to the official website: Semenax

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