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Klinio, Reviews, Advice & Pitfalls, We reveal everything!

Updated on 27 March 2024.
Rating: 4.5/5. From 2 votes.
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Evaluation, Rating and Critical Review of Klinio


Product name : Klinio

Brand : KLINIO

Responsible : Diabetes Solutions Ltd.

Official Website :

Language : English

Tiny description : Diabetes management app.

Price : from $4.99 to $69.99

Format : Application

Delivery : Instant

Guarantee : /

Description of Klinio :

“Klinio” is a mobile app specifically designed to help people with diabetes. It allows users to track their blood sugar levels, monitor their diet and physical activity, and receive personalized advice to better manage their condition.

Review of Klinio :

Diabetes, this pathology that currently affects millions of individuals worldwide forcing them to adopt important changes in their lifestyle.

These changes are not easy to adopt and many, due to lack of support and understanding, do not always follow them correctly!

“Klinio”, which we are reviewing today, is a revolutionary, state-of-the-art product specifically designed to help people who suffer from diabetes. It is supposed to provide patients with valuable assistance in managing the disease while improving their health.

Here’s what you need to know about this personalized solution to support people with diabetes.

“Klinio” in detail

“Klinio” is a web platform and personalized application that emerged in 2019, available in six languages and accessible in nearly 200 countries around the world, it was designed to facilitate diabetes management. It presents itself as a safe and reliable diabetes management tool.

Developed with experts and validated by the Validation Institute, it is a scientific application with modern features developed with professional endocrinologists and dieticians.

It is a virtual assistant especially dedicated to diabetics and pre-diabetics. It is particularly suitable for patients who have troublesome symptoms such as hyperglycemia. But it is also a tool that could be of great help to people who need to lose weight.

The application has many interesting features. Its function is to provide advice on diet and sports activity for diabetics. It also provides information for educational purposes. Its role is to help users to have a healthier life and avoid complications related to diabetes.

In addition to all this, it is a complete activity diary allowing users to track their blood sugar levels and the calorie intake of each meal consumed.

The platform has a user-friendly interface with rich content. It has been designed to allow users to easily and effectively track various parameters that could affect their health. In other words, it is a carefully designed diabetes management plan. Its content is also updated regularly based on user feedback.

Features of “Klinio”

Users of the “klinio” web platform and application have access to various features:

 – A personalized meal plan

Diabetics are forced to pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates consumed on a daily basis. The problem is that it is not easy to measure the sugar content of each prepared meal. That’s why the developer of the platform decided to add this feature. It is a customizable meal plan.

Users can find more than 45,000 recipes that are suitable for diabetics. In other words, they can prepare meals adapted to the required dietary restrictions and the taste of each user.

By following these recipes to the letter, users can enjoy meals that can cover their calorie, macronutrient and nutrient needs for their body. In addition, these menus are easy to prepare.

 – A simplified shopping list
A simplified weekly shopping list is also available, designed to help their customers who need to lose weight. They will find the right ingredients to prepare low carbohydrate snacks or desserts.

This list makes it easier to identify foods that are suitable for diabetics’ lifestyles. It also helps to avoid expensive purchases.

It should be noted that the products mentioned in the list are easy to find. They are available from any store.

 – Beginner workouts, without equipment

Exercising is one of the best ways to improve health, especially when you have diabetes. But many patients are afraid to go to the gym every day.

“Klinio” has a workout plan dedicated to beginners in sports activity. The proposed exercises are easy to do at home and do not require the use of any particular equipment.

This fitness plan is personalized. In other words, users can choose which exercises to do for the day. It includes more than 100 workouts from 5 to 15 minutes.

 – Progress Tracking Tool

Managing diabetes is far from a simple task. There are too many things to check in order to avoid complications. The developer has added tools for detailed progress tracking.

Indeed, users can record different data including blood glucose level, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) or even their daily weight. Thanks to this data, they will be able to know the evolution of their health status and thus evaluate the effectiveness of their eating habits.

It is even possible to present this information to the doctor so that he or she can give new guidelines or relevant advice to optimize the success of the treatment of the disease.

 – Informative content

The App has a tab named ‘Klinio Academy’. According to the developer, it is a source of reliable information about diabetes management. Users can find courses written by qualified health professionals and nutritionists.

The experts discuss the causes and treatment of diabetes, including the treatment plan, diet and exercise recommended for diabetics. It is a rich content that helps users to improve their health.

Usage walkthrough

To access “Klinio”, you must first log in. On the interface, the different features are visible at the bottom of the screen.

We are first interested in the ‘More’ section, a kind of personal account where the user can add information about him or her such as his or her name, read tips or change the app’s settings.

Then there is ‘Home’ which presents the global management plan. Just click on the ‘Settings’ button to discover the possible tracking options. In general, these include blood sugar, water consumption, blood pressure and workout. It is possible to get a notification when the blood sugar level is abnormal. To do this, simply select the normal range.

You must click on ‘Nutrition’ to access the meal plan. The principle is to choose among the proposed recipes. You must then select ‘Done’ after choosing or ‘Ignore’ if you have not made any choice.

For training, simply go to the tab ‘Activity’. Click on the Explore command and take the quiz to choose the exercises you want to do easily.

Finally, to access your health data, go to the ‘Health’ section.


The results one can expect depend on how the app is used and the severity of the diabetes. However, here are some positive results that users of “Klinio” can expect to achieve:

 – Improved blood sugar

The platform allows users to track their blood sugar levels on a regular basis and receive alerts for abnormal fluctuations. This can help users better control their blood sugar levels, which can reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications in the long run.

 – Better diet management

The app allows users to receive detailed nutritional information about foods. Users can also record their carbohydrate, protein and fat intake to better manage their diet and avoid blood sugar fluctuations.

 – Increasing physical activity

“Klinio” can sync with activity trackers to provide users with real-time information about their physical activity. This can encourage users to be more active and meet their physical activity goals, which can help improve their health and blood sugar levels.

 – Stress reduction

Regularly monitoring blood glucose levels and using the app to receive personalized advice can help reduce the stress of managing diabetes. This can improve users’ quality of life and help them better manage their condition.

As we can see, this virtual assistant is supposed to provide users with tangible results that could change their quality of life such as an improvement in HbA1c or weight loss. They should be able to adopt a healthier lifestyle by eating smart and being more active, which can help them prevent diabetes-related complications.

Highlights of “Klinio”

This virtual assistant promises users, especially diabetics, a wide range of benefits:

  • Access to a safe virtual assistant,
  • secure use,
  • a guide developed by professionals,
  • easy-to-use health management tool,
  • rich and reliable content.


This chapter will help you answer the most common questions about “Klinio”.

What is “Klinio”?

“Klinio” is a mobile app designed to help people with diabetes manage their condition effectively.

How does “Klinio” help manage diabetes?

“Klinio” helps manage diabetes by offering a variety of features to track blood sugar, monitor diet and physical activity, and receive personalized advice to improve users’ health and quality of life.

Is “Klinio” easy to use?

Yes, “Klinio” is easy to use. The app is user-friendly and has an intuitive interface that allows users to track their blood sugar, monitor their diet and physical activity, and receive personalized advice without difficulty.

Is “Klinio” available on all platforms?

“Klinio” is available on iOS and Android platforms.

How much is “Klinio”?

“Klinio” is available as a free download on the App Store and Google Play, but access to the various services is offered as paid subscriptions.

What results can we expect with “Klinio”?

Results depend heavily on how well you follow the advice and how severe your diabetes is. However, by using “Klinio” responsibly, you can expect to achieve better management of your diabetes through regular blood glucose monitoring, improved diet management, increased physical activity, and reduced stress related to managing the disease.

Is there a risk of subscription or hidden fees with the purchase of “Klinio”?

No, no hidden fees, data resale or other known dubious practices are used on the official website of this product, understand all the same that it is a subscription-based subscription. A monthly fee will therefore be automatically debited until you cancel!

Additional Information:

KlinioIn order to use the application, you must first download it. Then you have to register and buy a subscription. For those who choose to use the web platform, go to the official website. Then you need to fill in the registration form and pay the subscription fee.

The authorized payment methods for the subscription payment are Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and JCB.

The application uses security measures to protect user data and ensure privacy.

An extremely comprehensive and intuitive help center is available on the official website. And, for those who can’t find answers to their questions, email customer support is available via

Disadvantage of Klinio :

“Klinio is not a quick fix for diabetes. While it can help people with diabetes better monitor and manage their condition, it cannot cure diabetes or replace professional medical care!

 – Negative testimonials on the Internet

The most common negative testimonials refer to a lack of consideration for the French lifestyle!

Such as:

  1. Foods that are hard to find.
  2. Some portions quantified in ounces and not in gr.
  3. Some text is in English.

Managing diabetes requires a comprehensive approach, including a balanced diet, regular physical activity, blood sugar monitoring, medication and regular monitoring by a physician or health care team!

“Klinio” can be a useful tool to help people with diabetes track and manage these aspects of their condition, but it cannot replace professional disease management.

It is important that each person with diabetes speak with their physician or healthcare team before using any diabetes management application. They are the ones best able to provide personalized recommendations for managing this condition.

Reputation of Klinio :

“Klinio is a relatively new diabetes management app, but it has gained popularity among users due to its useful features and easy-to-use interface. As a result, it enjoys a good reputation overall, and although there are a number of negative reviews on the Internet, a large portion of users appreciate the blood sugar, diet and physical activity tracking features, as well as the optional personalized coaching programs.

Conclusion for Klinio :

While “Klinio” is not a silver bullet for diabetes, it appears from what is being said on the web that it can help people with diabetes better manage their condition by helping them track their progress and providing tips for improving their lifestyle.

Official Website :

Go to the official website: Klinio

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Consumer Reviews and Testimonials

2 testimonials for “Klinio”

I have been bamboozled by this company.
I watched a quiz about 18 months ago but realised it was not for me as I have sever rheumatoid arthritis especially in my hand and cant use apps.
I did not realise they had taken money from my account for a year to use an app I dont have.
On July 5th this year another amount of £60 was taken gor something I never agreed to or signed for. I was never sent any documentation about this.
So £120 has been removed from my account even though I contacted Klinio both times as soon as I realised.
Both times all they said was it wont happen again but they have not given any confirmation.
Pay Pal have taken the money and have asked me to provide documentary evidence of cancellation acceptance and original agreement. I never had any of these.
I am absolutely devastated. I am a disabled pensioner and only get £40 a week before help. I would never sign up gor such a sum for anything!
Please help i am scared!

Hello Fay Olinsky,

First of all, I’m sorry for what’s happened to you and I sincerely sympathize with your situation.

Having said that, the first thing to do is to check if the subscription is still running because if it remains active, you’ll be charged £60 again next year.

To do this, go to your PayPal account and check the status of the current subscription for this payment and deactivate it if necessary.

Next, I suggest you create a dispute concerning the last Klinio transaction on PayPal. The first £60 is lost, that’s for sure, but it may still be possible to recover the last transaction. I can’t believe that Klinio and PayPal won’t take your situation into account in order to resolve the problem.

I sincerely hope that these steps will help you.


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