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Posted by René Ronse

Phen24, Reviews, Advice & Pitfalls, We reveal everything!

Updated on 12 April 2024.
Rating: 4.5/5. From 2 votes.
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Evaluation, Rating and Critical Review of Phen24


Product name : Phen24

Brand : PHEN24

Responsible : Wolfson Brands (UK) Ltd.

Official Website :

Language : English

Tiny description : Slimming pill day and night.

Price : $59.99

Format : Box of 30 capsules Day + 60 capsules Night.

Delivery : Fast and discreet

Guarantee : 60 days (100% money back if not satisfied)

Description of Phen24 :

“Phen24” is a day and night slimming solution for weight loss 24 hours a day!

Review of Phen24 :

“Phen24” is a program that combines two products to support you in your weight loss journey.

It’s a slimming pack that works day and night for optimal weight loss! It’s a weight-loss solution which, thanks to two powerful slimming formulas, will help you lose weight all day long!

Described as a continuous weight loss solution (24/24H), Phen24 is a slimming supplement that presents itself as a complete weight loss aid on several levels.

The Phen24 pack

As announced above, Phen24 consists of two distinct products:

1. “Phen 24 Day” (30-pill bottle)

The daytime pill will increase your metabolism, boost your energy, improve digestion and regulate thyroid function to increase fat burning and make exercise easier!

It is composed of the following ingredients:

  1. Caffeine: stimulates thermogenesis and increases metabolic rate.
    It is also said to have appetite-suppressant properties.
  2. Cayenne pepper: a metabolism gas pedal known for its thermogenic properties and appetite-reducing effect.
  3. Iodine: promotes the production of thyroid hormone and therefore acts indirectly on basal metabolism.
  4. Zinc citrate: contributes to the production of pancreatic enzymes that promote the proper digestion of food.
  5. Guarana (extract): improves alertness, provides energy and stimulates metabolism.
    It is also considered a natural fat burner.
  6. Phenylalanine: plays an important role in weight regulation by acting on appetite.
    It also helps reduce dopamine levels.
  7. Manganese: reduces cravings by acting on blood sugar levels.
    It also helps regulate fat and lipid metabolism.
  8. Copper sulfate: contributes to the production of essential energy to cover the energy requirements needed for physical activity.

It is taken once a day, 1 day pill in the morning with breakfast.

2. “Phen 24 Nuit” (60-pill bottle)

The night pill will initially help you reduce your evening appetite, it will then help relax you and also stimulate your metabolism during the night to help you eat less during the last meal of the day, promote a good restorative sleep and continue weight loss throughout the night!

It contains the following ingredients:

  1. Glucomannans: considered a natural appetite suppressant, they curb food cravings especially at night.
  2. Biotin: plays a vital role in the transport of glucose to cells and contributes to energy production.
  3. Molybdenum (sodium molybate): an essential trace element for detoxifying the body of toxins and metabolic waste.
    It is also involved in fat metabolism.
  4. Thiamine: plays an essential role in the conversion of glucose into energy and in the metabolism of amino acids.
  5. Green tea (extract): this is a natural fat burner that increases energy expenditure and promotes fat oxidation.
    It also promotes weight loss and maintenance.
  6. Griffonia (extract): combats anxiety, sleep disorders and appetite problems.
    It is used to improve digestion and sleep.
  7. Chromium picolinate: a natural appetite controller, chromium picolinate helps reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  8. Pantothenic acid: helps lower cholesterol, triglyceride and blood lipid levels.
  9. HCI Pyridoxine or vitamin B6: improves amino acid, glycogen and lipid metabolism.
  10. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C: cleanses the body from heavy metals and carcinogenic substances and acts as an antioxidant.
  11. Hops (extract): fights insomnia and sleep disorders.

It is taken once a day, 2 pills ¼ hour before the evening meal with 1 to 2 glasses of water.

The two formulas that make up “Phen24” are developed in FDA- and GMP-approved facilities and are composed of high-quality natural ingredients whose efficacy has been demonstrated by numerous very serious clinical tests.

Who makes Phen24?

First of all, let’s take a look at the manufacturer.

On the official Phen24 website, we find that this product is owned by Wolfson Brands Ltd. This is a company based in the UK.

Wolfson Brands is said to handle customer support for some of Bauer’s products, which leads us to believe that it is either its own subsidiary or a subcontractor.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Bauer Group, it’s a UK-based company that designs and markets dozens of weight loss, wellness, beauty, bodybuilding and sexual health products.

It’s a company known for its good reputation on the net, its seriousness and for its quality products.

How it works?

To promote weight loss, Phen24 formula works as follows:

  • Boosts metabolism: the faster a metabolism, the greater the speed and number of calories burned.
  • Provides energy to the body: in addition to these energy reserves resulting from the stimulation of the metabolism, certain ingredients present in the composition of Phen24 act as energy boosters in their own right.
  • Accelerates the fat-burning process: by accelerating the fat-burning process, it significantly reduces the amount of stored fat.
  • Controls appetite and reduces feelings of hunger: the glucomannans contained in its formula are soluble fibers that are difficult for the body to digest and assimilate.
    As a result, their presence reduces the sensation of hunger and the desire to eat.

In addition to all that’s been said, Phen24 Nuit’s formula improves sleep quality thanks to a stimulant-free combination of ingredients.

Poor sleep breeds stress and irritation, which in turn breeds weight gain.

By promoting good sleep, it indirectly contributes to weight loss and maintenance.

Phen24 and scientific research

On the official website, the manufacturer of Phen24 relies on 10 scientific studies. Here are just a few of them.

First, we find this study [1] which attests that dietary supplements that activate body thermogenesis enable an increase in overall energy expenditure which should translate into a reduction in body fat.

The second study [2] attempted to determine the effect of a blend composed of green tea extract, Yerba Maté, guarana seed extract, caffeine anhydrous, Saw palmetto, Fo-Ti, Eleuthero root, Cayenne pepper and YoHimbine HCI, on fatty acid oxidation, hunger perception, mood state and perceived rate of exertion at rest and during 30 min of submaximal exercise.

The results of this study demonstrated the potential efficacy of ingesting this blend on fat loss.

Last but not least, we cite this clinical trial [3] whose aim was to determine the effect of konjac-based dietary supplementation on fat loss in overweight adults.

The results obtained suggest that glucomannans can reduce body weight, body fat and blood cholesterol levels.

Posology and instructions for use

Phen24 Day contains 30 capsules and Phen24 Night, 60 capsules.

One day capsule should be taken with breakfast, and two night capsules 15 minutes before the evening meal with a large glass of water.

It’s advisable to drink plenty of water when taking a slimming supplement.

Hydration is very important in any weight loss approach.

Additional information:

Phen24Disadvantage of Phen24 :

Warning! “Phen24” day / night seems to be a powerful ally to accompany you 24H/24 in your weight loss process, but it is by no means a miracle product that will make you lose weight without changing anything in your lifestyle.

The presence of two sources of caffeine in the Phen24 day formula – caffeine and Guarana – means that we must warn people who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine not to overdose. To avoid this risk, other sources of caffeine should be controlled.

The Phen24 daily pill contains iodine, making it inadvisable for people with thyroid disorders.

“Phen24” is not suitable for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people suffering from depression, diabetes, endocrine disorders, autoimmune diseases, prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, breast cancer, testicular cancer, liver disease, kidney disease and people on antidepressants; if in doubt, it’s always best to consult your GP.

And to avoid any risk of interaction with other drugs, we advise against the use of Phen24 without the consent of their GP to people undergoing specific medical treatment.

Reputation of Phen24 :

Phen24 Arnaque Ou Fiable“Phen24” is still too new to enjoy any kind of reputation but the fact that it uses high quality ingredients and has a completely secure and transparent site of any deception is quite encouraging.

WOLFSON BRANDS Ltd which manufactures and markets “Phen24” has been in the supplement industry since 2007 and has an excellent reputation.

Conclusion for Phen24 :

“Phen24” sounds pretty interesting with a smart formula a secure site and a 60 day guarantee!

So if the above mentioned drawbacks don’t bother you too much and you’re willing to make some efforts on diet and physique, this dietary supplement should logically help you accelerate and increase your weight loss!

Official Website :

Go to the official website: Phen24

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