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Fat Burn Active, Reviews, Advice & Pitfalls, We reveal everything!

Updated on 27 March 2024.
Rating: 4.5/5. From 2 votes.
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Evaluation, Rating and Critical Review of Fat Burn Active

Fat Burn Active

Product name : Fat Burn Active


Responsible : Key Player Ltd.

Official Website :

Language : English

Tiny description : Metabolism and body fat burning booster.

Price : $49.00

Format : Bottle of 60 capsules

Delivery : 1 to 7 working days

Guarantee : 14 days right of withdrawal.

Description of Fat Burn Active :

“Fat Burn Active” is a slimming food supplement specially designed to boost metabolism and increase body fat burning to achieve a slimmer and more toned figure!

Review of Fat Burn Active :

Managing to lose weight fast is the dream of everyone who is dieting. However, this journey is often long, arduous and fraught with pitfalls.

Fortunately, taking the product analyzed today should, according to its manufacturer, accelerate the weight loss process to help you achieve a dream body in record time.

This is a dietary supplement designed for a specific purpose, to help people who want to lose weight quickly, this includes of course overweight men and women but also amateur and professional athletes!

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and look at this product in more detail.

“Fat Burn Active”

Reputed on the internet as one of the most effective slimming products available on the market, “Fat Burn Active” falls into the category of ‘metabolism boosting slimming products’.

Formulated to give a satisfactory result in the shortest time possible, it is designed for athletes who need to lose weight quickly.

This product is manufactured in the EU (European Union) in compliance with all the rules of hygiene and safety in force. The formula contains only proven natural ingredients that have been specially selected for their effectiveness.

Composed of 12 active ingredients recognized for their effectiveness on the burning of fat, this product is presented in the form of capsules. It is marketed in a bottle of 60 capsules, which corresponds to one month’s treatment.

how it works

“Fat Burn Active” presents itself as an extremely effective solution for eliminating unwanted pounds. It contains active ingredients capable of stimulating lipolysis or fat burning in a variety of ways.

First of all, there are thermogenic ingredients capable of increasing the body temperature, which optimizes fat burning and promotes energy.

There are also certain components of the fat burning supplement that have the power to increase the intensity of metabolism and stimulate the secretion of digestive juices. This increases the energy expenditure.

For the sportsmen, the catch of this complement thinness makes it possible to optimize the endurance. It contains ingredients that can boost energy, which allows them to perform more intense exercises with more ease.

Finally, “Fat Burn Active” also contains nutrients and extracts that stimulate muscle growth. They promote the secretion of hormones and optimize the functioning of the circulatory, nervous and respiratory systems.

As part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle, all of these actions will have a tenfold effect and should allow an extreme and rapid weight loss!

The ingredients that make up “Fat Burn Active”

“Fat Burn Active” is the result of extensive scientific research that combines a large number of active ingredients. It is a natural food supplement without GMOs, preservatives or other harmful substances. Moreover, all the active ingredients that have been added in the manufacturing formula of this product are known to accelerate the process of weight loss and fat burning.
Fat Burn Active
 – Indian nettle root extract

Indian nettle root stands out for its richness in forskolin. This is a substance that has the power to stimulate lipase, the enzyme that ensures the breakdown of fat. This active ingredient is also a powerful thermogenic. It can increase the energy expenditure of the body and thus accelerate the metabolism. In addition to all this, forskolin promotes the growth of lean body mass.

 – Bitter orange fruit extract

The major advantage of this component is its synephrine content. This alkaloid is known to be a powerful fat burner. It has the power to stimulate thermogenesis, which allows for an acceleration of the breakdown of fat stored in the human body.

Synephrine is also able to optimize physical capacities and thus improve the performance of sports people during workouts by boosting the secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline and by improving the efficiency of the bronchi.

It can additionally help with appetite control and limit cravings.

 – Madagascar aframmon seed extract

This plant also called grain of paradise is rich in 6-paradol. It is a phenolic compound with thermogenic properties. It can also support the metabolism and thus stimulate fat burning.

If the manufacturer decided to include the grain of paradise on the list of components of “Fat burn active”, it is because 6-paradol is also effective in reducing the storage of body fat in the body.

In addition, it has the ability to improve blood sugar levels in the blood.

 – Green tea leaf extract

Like most slimming products, “FatBurnActive” contains green tea leaf extract. This too is an ingredient that is well known for its ability to facilitate weight loss. Green tea can limit the absorption of fat from food and contribute to the effectiveness of thermogenic processes.

 – Guarana seed extract

Containing caffeine, guarana seed extract was chosen to be part of the ingredients of this fat burner because it has significant stimulating properties.

It also has the power to limit the growth of fatty tissue and restrict appetite.

 – Black pepper fruit extract

Black pepper contains piperine, a powerful alkaloid capable of increasing body temperature. This active ingredient is effective in accelerating metabolism and thus weight loss.

It also stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and is a good ally to improve intestinal transit.

 – Natural anhydrous caffeine

Just like a few other ingredients present in the formula of this slimming product, natural anhydrous caffeine has the function of promoting thermogenesis and giving a boost to the metabolism. It is a highly valued ingredient for its beneficial effect on energy and physical endurance.

 – AXivite – Microencapsulated Phenylcapsain

This is capsaicin in the form of a microcapsule, which is easily absorbed by the body. It was chosen to integrate the manufacturing formula of “Fat Burn Active” because of its strong capacity to boost fat burning and correct the figure.

This component also has the power to improve the functioning of the digestive system and the state of the intestines. Its major asset is to be effective even at low doses.

 – Vitamins

This fat burning pill contains vitamin B6 which has the ability to accelerate metabolic processes and intensify fat burning.

It is also rich in pantothenic acid, known as vitamin B5. It is an ingredient that contributes to the proper management of energy and effectively reduces fatigue.

 – Zinc

Zinc completes the list of ingredients in “Fat Burn Active”. It effectively contributes to carbohydrate breakdown, fat burning and overall metabolic improvement. It also increases insulin sensitivity and regulates appetite.


“Fat Burn Active” comes with instructions for use that should be consulted for exact dosage!

In general, it is recommended to take 2 capsules per day to enjoy the benefits of this dietary supplement. It is necessary to swallow them with +/- 200ml of water 30 minutes before a meal or a sports session. To avoid insomnia, it is recommended not to consume this supplement in the evening.

A cure must have a duration of at least 30 days.

Expected effects on weight loss

In order to verify its effectiveness, “Fat Burn Active” has been tested in European laboratories. Its regular intake allows for rapid weight loss, muscle mass growth and energy boost.

The results differ greatly from one individual to another but in general, positive changes are visible after only a few days!

The first changes you will feel are energetic. In just a few days, you should be more active and much less tired during the day. Then, within a few weeks, the accelerated metabolism should trigger significant fat loss as well as a reshaping of the figure through muscle mass gain!

The benefits of “Fat Burn Active”

“Fat Burn Active” is a safe and reliable natural product. It does not contain any harmful or dangerous substances for its consumer. No artificial colors or preservatives are used in its composition.

These capsules are designed to give a real boost to the metabolism. They are very effective in burning fat and are therefore an important source of energy. This makes this product a great ally for athletes seeking performance and high endurance.

This slimming product is also a food supplement that contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system. It improves transit and fights against constipation.

To top it all off, its active ingredients promote muscle development. It therefore helps to reshape the figure and support in order to have a more dynamic and sporty posture.

As far as its effectiveness is concerned, each ingredient that makes it up has been the subject of serious studies and their effectiveness has been confirmed by scientific research.

It is also worth mentioning that this fat burner is well suited for athletes as it increases energy levels and improves endurance.

Questions / Answers:

This chapter will help you answer the most common questions about “Fat Burn Active”.

Is “Fat Burn Active” safe?

With well-chosen natural ingredients, “Fat Burn Active” has no side effects, according to the manufacturer. That said, as a safety measure, if you nevertheless encounter an adverse effect, you should stop the treatment and contact a doctor. Of course, in case of allergy to one of the ingredients, the use of the food supplement is strongly advised against. The same applies to children and pregnant or nursing women.

What is the full list of ingredients in “Fat Burn Active”?

Complete list of “Fat Burn Active” ingredients: Indian nettle root extract (Coleus forskohlii) [10% forskolin]; green tea leaf extract (Camellia sinensis) [45% EGCG]; capsule shell – gelatin; Guarana seed extract (Paullinia cupana) [22% caffeine]; microencapsulated phenylcapsaicin [1% phenylcapsaicin] – aXivite®; bitter orange fruit extract (Citrus aurantium) [6% synephrine] ; rice seed extract (Oryza sativa); Madagascar Aframon seed extract (Aframomum melegueta) [12.5% 6-paradol]; natural anhydrous caffeine (Coffea robusta); calcium D-pantothenate (pantothenic acid); Zinc citrate; colors – iron oxides and hydroxides, titanium dioxide, azorubin **; pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6); black pepper (Piper nigrum) fruit extract [95% piperine] – BioPerine®.

How long until first results?

It takes a few days for the energy boosting effect and a few weeks for weight loss and figure refinement. The recommended course of “Fat Burn Active” is 3 months, 1 month being the minimum.

How should “Fat Burn Active” be taken?

“Fat Burn Active” is taken at a rate of 2 capsules per day. It is recommended to take the slimming food supplement 30 minutes before eating with a large glass of water and preferably in the morning. If you are athletic, you can take it 30 minutes before training.

How to buy “Fat Burn Active”?

The manufacturer invites consumers to make the purchase of “Fat Burn Active” from the official website. The latter can choose between three offers. There is the basic offer which allows to get a box for a reasonable price. For people who want to follow a three-month cure, the standard offer is available. It allows you to get two boxes and a third one free. Finally, there is the Best Value offer which guarantees access to 6 boxes, all three of which are free.

What are the shipping terms for “Fat Burn Active”?

All orders are processed upon receipt of payment. Delivery of “Fat Burn Active” takes a maximum of 7 business days.

Is there a risk of subscription or hidden fees with the purchase of “Fat Burn Active”?

No, The manufacturer of this product is all business. No hidden fees, recurring subscriptions, data reselling or other known questionable practices are used on the official website of this product.

Additional Information:

Fat Burn ActiveThe product is made in the EU without GMO, coloring or preservatives. It does not contain any harmful substances.

The online payment system is secured by SSL data encryption protocol. All payments are made by credit cards.

Packages are shipped worldwide within 7 business days. The delivery price varies from 0 to 12 euros depending on the destination country.

Customer support is only accessible online via an online form.

Disadvantage of Fat Burn Active :

“Fat Burn Active” is not a substitute for a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Both diet as well as lifestyle must be adapted to your slimming goals.

 – Testimonials on the Internet

The vast majority of user testimonials are extremely positive and praise the weight loss supplement. On the other hand, the negative testimonials, although much less numerous, are also very extreme. Curiously, there are hardly any mixed testimonials between the two.

 – Precautions for use

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Do not consume if you are allergic to any component of the product.

Do not consume if you are sensitive to caffeine.

This product should be stored in a dry place away from light and at room temperature in a tightly closed container.

Keep out of reach of children.

 – Contraindications

“Fat Burn Active” contains caffeine, it cannot be used in case of cardiovascular disease or hypersensitivity to caffeine. It cannot be consumed with other sources of caffeine or other ingredients with similar effects.

The intake of this slimming product is not recommended for children as well as for pregnant and breast-feeding women. In addition, as with any supplementation, it is strongly advised that people who are ill or under treatment consult their doctor before consuming any dietary supplement!

 – Undesirable effects

According to the manufacturer, there is no particular danger in using this product. However, you must carefully follow the prescribed dosage in order to avoid the risks of possible side effects.

Now, if you should however experience any side effect from the use of this product, you will have to stop the treatment and consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.

Reputation of Fat Burn Active :

The reputation of “Fat Burn Active” is 80% good! The testimonials are largely in favor of the slimming product calling it a very effective fat burner!

The remaining 20% are on the contrary very negative as they call the product totally ineffective!

Now, if we read the testimonials more carefully, we can see a difference in the duration of the treatment. Indeed, it seems that the unsatisfied people did not generally exceed 1 month of cure while the positive opinions come from people who rather went on a 3 months cure.

Conclusion for Fat Burn Active :

It seems that “Fat Burn Active” is, for a large part of consumers, a very effective solution to fight against overweight since according to the reviews left on the Internet, many users have managed to lose their extra pounds within more or less three months!

Official Website :

Go to the official website: Fat Burn Active

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