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Article by René Ronse

Which CDN for WordPress

Updated on 23 October 2023.

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Wordpress-CDNDid you know that slow website pages are bad for your search engine rankings?

Indeed, page load time is an official search engine ranking factor, and, if your pages aren’t loading within 2 seconds, you should work on it immediately.

You need to pay attention to page load times on both desktop and mobile devices!

The most important criteria for choosing a CDN.

Choosing the right CDN!

In addition to taking care to choosing the right WordPress host, as well as integrating a high-performance caching system and many other elements, it’s important to take into account the important role a Content Delivery Network plays in accelerating your WordPress site.

But what’s a CDN?

A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a group of geographically distributed servers that work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content, enabling the rapid transfer of the resources needed to load Internet content, including HTML pages, JavaScript files, style sheets, images and videos.
The popularity of CDN services continues to grow, and today the majority of web traffic is served by CDNs, including traffic from major sites such as Facebook, Netflix and Amazon.
What’s more, a properly configured CDN can also help protect websites against some common malicious attacks, such as DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks.

What are the advantages of using a Content Delivery Network?

Although the benefits of using a CDN vary according to the size and needs of the website concerned, the main advantages for most users can be divided into 4 points:

1. Improved website loading time:
– By using a CDN server nearby, and thus distributing content closer to visitors to the website in question, visitors benefit from much faster page load times.

2. Lower bandwidth costs :
– Bandwidth consumption costs for website hosting are a major expense for websites, and thanks to caching and other optimizations, CDNs can reduce the amount of data an origin server has to supply, thus reducing hosting costs for website owners.

3. Increased content availability and redundancy:
Large amounts of traffic can disrupt the normal operation of a website, and thanks to the way they work, CDNs can handle more traffic and withstand hardware failures better than many origin servers.

4 Improved website security :
– A Content Delivery Network can improve security by providing mitigation measures against DDoS attacks, enhancements to security certificates and a few other optimizations.

Now that you know a little more about CDN services and why they’re so important, let’s take a look at which CDN service providers are the best options for WordPress!

Here are the top 3 WordPress CDN services to make your WordPress blog faster and therefore more accessible:

1. MaxCDN

MaxCDN is one of the most popular CDN services for WordPress. Used by many popular WordPress sites, MaxCDN has servers located in various cities in the United States and the European Union, as well as in other locations such as Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Israel, Sao Paulo and more.
Its control panel lets you control different caching options for your website.

MaxCDN plans start from $20 per month for a 1TB plan, but you can test the service by creating a free test account.

The free account comes with unlimited bandwidth, instant support and all premium features.
If you’re planning to integrate a CDN service into your WordPress site, MaxCDN is an excellent choice!
One important thing for those who care about SEO, MaxCDN offers canonical functionality that ensures your SEO stays on top!

Click here to see the CDN service offered by MAXCDN!

2. KeyCDN

KeyCDN for WordPress

KeyCDN is another CDN solution that owes its popularity to its cutting-edge technology and the level of optimization they offer with their CDN.
This service supports all popular platforms, including WordPress, Drupal, vBulleting, Xenforo to name but a few.

When it comes to integrating with WordPress, KeyCDN makes things as simple as possible as it offers various options such as the use of WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache plugin, Zencache to name but a few and if security is one of your concerns, you’ll be happy to know that this CDN service offers a free SSL certificate using LetsEncrypt!

KeyCDN highlights :

o 30-day free trial without credit card!
o Free credits worth 25 GB of traffic!
o Pay as you go!
o 5 zones are free!
o Instant account activation!

This is the cheapest CDN on the market, and therefore the best value for money!

Click here to see KEYCDN’s CDN service!

3. CloudFlare

CloudFlare is a widely used CDN service for WordPress.

Available in French, this smart CDN service makes your website super fast by optimizing the page delivery system.

As CloudFlare blocks suspicious threats and limits access to potential abusers, it will also make your website more secure.

You can take advantage of CloudFlare’s basic features for free!

In fact, you only have to pay for additional features such as mobile optimization, instant support, web application firewall, multi-user access and more.

Unlike most other CDN services, CloudFlare doesn’t charge for bandwidth usage, and the free service also includes SSL support.

Click here to see the CDN service offered by CLOUDFLARE!

Whereas websites used to use a single server to deliver all content, CDN services have changed the game forever.

By using a reliable CDN service, you can now ensure that your website performs better, so that your visitors enjoy optimal page load speeds!

So, which CDN service are you going to use on your WordPress site?


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