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Article by Sylvie Martin

What if the way you weigh yourself is wrong?

Updated on 25 January 2024.

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I weigh myselfMost women tend to determine their weight by comparing themselves to other women, by contemplating their reflection in the mirror or by stepping on the scales.

Getting an idea of your weight based solely on what you see is a major mistake when it comes to determining your healthy weight.

Women are tormented by questions like “How much should I weigh? “or “Will my favorite little dress still fit me? “…

Weight is more than just a number!

A healthy weight isn’t just one number that fits all. A healthy weight is a set of criteria that include lifestyle, genetic inheritance, …

Women’s bodies are generally classified into three categories: large, medium and small frame. And within these categories, there are other sub-categories classified according to degrees.

So there are different body types, and it would be a big mistake to subject them all to the same weight rule.

On the other hand, you should be aware that the scale cannot tell you your healthy weight.

Several criteria can distort the figure displayed. Underweight, overweight, fat distribution in the body, muscle mass…

All these factors can give you a false idea of your current weight.

Generally speaking, weight is a signal that accurately reflects the state of your overall health.

So here are some things you can do to find out whether your current weight is a healthy weight or not.

Is BMI a reliable measure of how much I should weigh?

imcIf you’re interested in your weight, then you’ve already come across the term BMI or body mass index.

BMI has long been used as an anthropometric measurement to determine healthy weight.

Its principle is simple. It is calculated on the basis of weight and height.

The ratio between the two is used to determine in which zone your weight falls according to a pre-defined table (which you can consult online by doing a little research).

This measurement has recently been described as unsafe, according to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity.

How much should I weigh according to ABSI?

A number of new indices have been developed [1]. These are the Body Shape Index (ABSI : A Body Shape Index) and the Body Roundness Index (BRI : Body Roundness Index).

ABSI is a measurement that takes into account height, weight and body circumference. It is a better indicator of the health risks caused by excess weight. [2]

You can calculate your ABSI using the following formula:
– WC: waist circumference
– Height: height/height

Or you can use an online calculator.

Weight fluctuations don’t mean you’re ill

weight-fluctuationsWeight fluctuations are a normal part of life.

So stop panicking every time you gain a few extra kilos, and stop searching the Internet for restrictive diets or tips that won’t help you.

Weight is constantly changing. Even if you lose or gain a few kilos, you could still be at a healthy weight.

The human body is a complex set of biological and hormonal processes that occur naturally at every stage of your life and are caused by age or pregnancy, for example.

These processes have a direct impact on your weight.

Of course, this rule applies to so-called small fluctuations. Large swings in weight gain or loss can be an alarming sign of an undiagnosed health problem (unless you’re on a medical treatment that causes these weight fluctuations as a side-effect). In this case, you should consult a doctor.

Everything’s fine if you feel fine

If you start to notice that your mobility has become limited, then this shows that your weight is becoming a handicap.

If you find it difficult to carry out your usual physical activities, if you feel that your physical performance is falling, then you need to consult a health expert or take steps to lose weight.

On the other hand, if you feel generally well in your body, there’s nothing to worry about.

Consult your doctor

Is it possible to be overweight and in good health? Yes.

To be sure, schedule a visit to your doctor to check your body’s other vital signs (blood pressure, diabetes, blood cholesterol, etc.).

If the results are positive, you’re in good health. If not, the results will help you determine your health problem.

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