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Cellulite, a worldwide phenomenon that affects between 85% and 90% of women of all ages, and some men too (5%)! Although MesDames have always considered it a difficult disease to treat, science doesn’t seem to agree. Rather, according to many experts in the field, it’s an aesthetic concern that sufferers actively seek to eliminate so they can reveal their curves without any hang-ups.
Is there a definitive treatment for cellulite? How does cellulite develop? And all those dietary supplements, creams, patches and gels… do they work, or is it just misleading marketing? The hunt for cellulite…
To claim that cellulite will go away forever thanks to a treatment is a claim that few people can endorse, it has to be said. It’s usually the “unscrupulous” sellers of anti-cellulite products who don’t hesitate to make such promises in their advertising materials.
The more serious ones will say that their solutions are designed to attenuate, reduce, limit, … the consequences of cellulite firmly anchored under the skin. This seems to us to be a very honest approach on the part of these manufacturers, who dare not raise false hopes. It’s true that their products are scientifically and medically tested. However, the chances of one of these treatments working depend on a number of parameters, which we’ll try to pinpoint in this post.
While the vast majority of women would describe their orange-peel skin as Cellulite, with a capital C, there are in fact 3 types:
As the name suggests, this type of cellulite is mainly due to excess weight and lack of exercise. It is often found on the stomach and hips. You can recognize it by its softness when you pinch your skin. It’s also painless.
The type of treatment prescribed for this type of cellulite is generally a slimming diet targeting fats, with the application of creams at home or in an institute. Minimum physical activity is also recommended. A number of dietary supplements based on guarana, green coffee, etc. would be of great help in burning fat.
Also known as edematous cellulite, this type of cellulite is accompanied by significant water retention. The woman concerned experiences the sensation of heavy legs, swollen by the volume of retained water. Ankles, calves, thighs and arms are the preferred areas. The causes are essentially disorders of venous and lymphatic circulation, aggravated by lack of exercise.
To treat this type of cellulite, regular lymphatic drainage is recommended. These can be accompanied by skin care and cosmetic products.
The most serious form of cellulite, as it is the hardest and most painful to the touch. Long-established on the thighs, hips or knees, it is difficult to dislodge because it is encrusted. Fat cells are “trapped” by fibrosis (hardening of collagen fibers), making the condition difficult to treat.
This is where medical care comes into play, sometimes using quite invasive methods.
The answer to this question will help you enormously in understanding the process of treating your cellulite. First, you need to identify the type, as we’ve just discussed. Now it’s a matter of having a clear idea of why and how!
Before going any further, a few clarifications are in order:
- Cellulite doesn’t just affect women: it also affects a certain proportion of men;
- It doesn’t just affect obese or overweight people: even slim, athletic young women can suffer from orange-peel skin;
- All ages are affected: common cases of cellulite appear early in girls undergoing puberty.
Like most physiological disorders, cellulite can sometimes be traced back to the human gene pool. In general, women are more predisposed to cellulite than men. On the other hand, women tend to have more fat than men.
Here again, ladies, you have your share of hormonal concerns. We all know that a woman’s hormonal activity is more “intense” than that of her partner. So, these hormones “run riot” especially in women from puberty onwards, during pregnancy (increased estrogen and progesterone secretion, which weakens the vessels), and even during the menopause (when fat migrates more towards the abdomen).
Over time, fat cells end up compressing lymphatic vessels and veins, causing water retention. In addition, certain working and living conditions are conducive to circulatory problems. Long periods of standing, hot weather, tight clothing, high heels, etc. are all factors to be taken into consideration.
Sedentary lifestyles have altered “normal” living conditions, coupled with a flagrant lack of physical activity. In short, we eat badly, anyhow and any time, we hardly move any more and we sleep badly.
Add to this the phenomenon of stress, which plays a major role in every facet of our lives. It has a significant influence on the massive production of adrenalin and noradrenalin, which favours the accumulation of fat and accentuates the phenomenon of water retention.
Here’s a non-exhaustive summary (because science is constantly evolving!) of the various treatments identified to date. They range from the almost free to the most expensive, from the relatively easy to the most invasive:
As we said earlier, beware of products that promise the moon! Cellulite won’t disappear overnight, but you can manage and treat it, and even reduce it considerably.
If you don’t opt for liposuction (which considerably reduces the appearance of installed cellulite, but not without a trip to the pool table!), you can review your diet and physical activity, and enlist the help of verified anti-cellulite products.
We suggest you take a look at this solution and make up your own mind about it.
Beauté nue, How to get rid of cellulite.
“Cellulite Free” or “How to get rid of cellulite” is a unique weight loss method that will enable you to get rid of cellulite once and for all in just a few weeks.
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To see other solutions, just type the word “cellulite” in the search bar to access all our articles dealing with the problem and the various products.
We wish you good luck!