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Article by Jean-Marie Besnard

The 10 commandments for a bigger penis

Updated on 24 November 2023.

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penis sizeThe penis is an integral part of our body. In fact, it’s one of the most important parts for most men.

Well, when you take care of it, maintain it and, with a few good tips, improve its performance!

Here are SpecialHomme’s 10 commandments for a bigger, longer, fatter penis… in short, a better performer!

Numbers-1-Girl-32 Thou shalt stop smoking!

Cigarettes and tobacco in general affect blood circulation. The penis needs blood to stiffen and lengthen. Stopping smoking can make a big difference.

Numbers-2-Girl-32 Thou shalt exercise regularly!

The penis is part of our body: maintaining our body means maintaining our penis!

Sport will clear the arteries and blood vessels and, among other things, lengthen the penis and improve its performance.

Numbers-3-Girl-32 Thou shalt avoid fat and excess calories!

Paying attention to what you eat can be very beneficial for your penis. Avoiding fat storage affects both the penis and the whole body.

Numbers-4-Girl-32 Thou shalt eat vegetables and fruit!

Needless to say, vegetables and fruit are important! They contain antioxidants that are highly beneficial to artery health.

Numbers-5-Girl-32 Fight the fat belly!

A big belly full of fat affects the general appearance of the body, and particularly the appearance of the penis! Your penis, whatever its size, will always look smaller under a layer of fat.

Numbers-6-Girl-32 Reduce stress!

Anxiety and stress reduce sexual performance and therefore affect penis size. Think clearly for a longer, livelier penis!

Numbers-7-Girl-32 Do yoga and meditation!

Stay as Zen as possible! Relaxation helps the body to regulate blood circulation and blood pressure. This actively contributes to better sexual performance!

Numbers-8-Girl-32 Warm up your body!

Cold is the enemy of the penis! Warm up your body in the right way to allow the penis to flourish freely.

Numbers-9-Girl-32 Build up your penis!

Regular exercise keeps your penis in good condition. This helps to relax the trunk and veins of the penis. But be careful not to pull too hard!

Numbers-1-Filled-32Numbers-0-Filled-32 Thou shalt use safe solutions!

There are many methods of penis enhancement, such as, to name but the best of the best of penis extenders “Jes Extender“. So make sure you make the right choice!

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