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Article by Jean-Marie Besnard

Overcome premature ejaculation together!

Updated on 31 October 2023.

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a man and a woman face to faceAs the figures show, premature ejaculation is one of men’s main sexual concerns. When a man in a relationship experiences premature ejaculation, the sexual activity of both partners is severely disrupted.

This usually leads to the cessation of all sexual relations, or even the break-up of the couple if nothing is done to overcome the problem.

However, premature ejaculation disorders can be overcome, especially when the couple works together as a team!

Let’s find out a little more about it right now…

What exactly is premature ejaculation?

These days, therapists use the term premature ejaculation when a lack of ejaculatory control spoils the sexual ease and emotional well-being of either partner. Yet choosing the right moment to ejaculate should be feasible for all men. If you feel that sex with your man doesn’t last long enough and you’d like your lovemaking to last a little longer, you’ve come to the right place. You’ve come to the right place, because we’re going to deal with this point right away.

First of all, if you really want to help him, you’ll have to accept your partner’s situation. No matter how frustrated you are, it’s important to realize that he’s just as frustrated as you are, if not more so. It’s important for you to know that for a man, it’s extremely frustrating not to be able to have total control over his body, especially in this area. For every man, the penis is a symbol of pride and virility.

Premature ejaculation and love: the recipe that works!

What’s more, a couple’s happiness inevitably depends on their happiness in bed. It’s very difficult for a man to see himself unable to satisfy his wife as he would like to. As a result, he will probably have lost all hope of regaining control over his body and his impulses.

Some men see premature ejaculation as a fact of life, not a problem to be solved. And in the end, your man will come to see this little problem as irreversible, which is obviously not to your couple’s advantage.
Couple communication sex
In the meantime, you’ll have to accept a state of “unconditional love” and “selflessness”, because the only thing that can save your relationship is tolerance and support.

To overcome premature ejaculation, you need to make both physical and psychological changes. If you’re determined to help him and get fully involved, you’ll be giving yourself the best chance of solving this pesky little problem!

Fighting premature ejaculation: a little action plan!

Here, in a nutshell, are the three steps you need to take in order to regain active sexuality:

1. Over the next 4 to 5 months, agree with your partner to work on correcting this little problem. Effective change takes time, and this time must be used wisely! You’ll see, the results should be quite interesting. Above all, don’t put pressure on yourself or your partner. Too much pressure and expectation could have the opposite effect and be disastrous.

2. In the week that follows, it’s a good idea to have a chat to find out what your partner really thinks of the situation! Talking will help you better understand his or her needs, as well as your own.

  • Identify the factors leading to premature ejaculation;
  • Evaluate the situation in all lucidity and try to identify what suits both parties so as to satisfy everyone;
  • Strengthen your complicity so you can tackle the problem effectively!

3. By the end of your venture, you should be able to create a spiritual and physical synergy that doesn’t have to be linked to a compulsory orgasm. Foreplay is a good way of achieving this.

  • Apply what you’ve previously agreed for everyone’s benefit.
  • Enjoy each other without restraint, unspoken words or taboos.

From now on, after these few tips, you should be in perfect complicity with your partner, whether on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. Your physical relations will gain in passion and intensity!

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