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Article by Jean-Marie Besnard

I have a small penis and I feel good about myself!

Updated on 31 October 2023.

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Ancient Greek sculptureYes, I have a small penis, a tiny one… a rikiki willy! Is that a problem? Yes, for now! Because I know it will grow one day, I just have to find the right solution!

Penis enlargement solutions do exist, but they take time and, above all, perseverance. When I see that my neighbor upstairs is killing herself to lose her first kilo, with all the conviction in the world, I say to myself: “And why shouldn’t I go in search of my first centimetre?” For those of you who can’t stand having a small penis, let me explain.

A penis, in addition to being THE distinguishing mark of a man in relation to women (and other sexes!), is a well-groomed little beast that needs a lot of attention and, above all, complicity. It’s our little companion-confident with whom we only meet in perfect intimacy, away from people’s curious gazes. For the moment, I know he’s below average: I’ve read everywhere that the standard penis size is around 13 to 15 centimetres. By the way, that’s a bit reassuring for me, as a porn addict! Houlàààà… those (…) monsters I see over there! But these things do exist! I can’t hide the fact that every now and then, while watching something dirty, I can’t help glancing at my little navel, just to “dare” to compare. Wah, the shame of that! But… I don’t hide it from you either… I quickly pull myself together and realize that these “fairground monsters”, although they exist, don’t in any way shake the idea I have of my penis.

I know I have a normal, functioning penis. Well, that’s made a lot of girlfriends laugh, but it’s also given a lot of comfort, I must admit! He was always there for me when I needed him. I still remember some of the “testimonials” from my conquests, which spoke volumes!

Anyway, now that I know that solutions exist (as I was saying), I’m going for it! I know I want my penis to be longer. As for the circumference, that’s fine: I think I’ve got enough. So, I’m going straight for an extender because I’m not into pills and I’m really looking for results that last. I might consider these pills afterwards, just to reinforce! Now I’m concentrating on mechanical traction, and the first thing I’m going to do is take the real measurements of my machine and put it in black and white. The written word remains… yes!

Well, it’s time for me to leave you… I’m diving into the Solutions section to do a little research! I’ll keep you posted!

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