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Article by Jean-Marie Besnard

Does a longer penis make for a bad erection?

Updated on 23 November 2023.

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multicolored chameleonApparently, a “short” penis experiences better quality erections than one that’s longer than average. At least, that’s what a British study reveals about the penis size/erection quality ratio, carried out on some 60 men. There’s a scientific explanation for this: the path of blood through the vessels of the penis is responsible for the quality of the erection.

Thus, the shorter the penis, the greater the quantity of blood in the blood vessels, which has a considerable impact on the degree of solidity of the penis shaft during arousal. The study in question showed that over 70% of men observed with short penises had better erections than those without.


This doesn’t mean, however, that a longer penis doesn’t achieve an erection! We’re talking here about erection quality. A longer penis needs more blood and, above all, good circulation. That’s why penises over 20 centimetres always look a little flabby even when fully erect. That’s why men with long penises are strongly advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They need good blood circulation to ensure proper blood “delivery” to their penis!

How can you guarantee a good erection, whatever the size of your penis?

If your penis is normal, you should normally have a good quality erection. The main cause of sexual impotence would essentially be any problem related to blood circulation in the male genital area. So it’s a good idea to consult your doctor. He’ll be able to determine whether or not you’re suffering from any kind of dysfunction.

In the most serious cases, blood vessel surgery may be considered. This is the classic type of intervention designed to clear the way for blood flow. Of course, this is a decision that can only be taken by a doctor.

Fortunately, there are other solutions that do not require surgery. These involve helping the blood vessels to dilate naturally. That’s where sildenafil, tadalafil and similar products come in. More commonly known as Viagra, Cialis, VigRX, … these solutions will directly clear the pathways in the penis to achieve better, longer-lasting erections, for the duration of a successful sexual encounter (we’re talking here about the couple’s entire intimate moment, foreplay included!).

In short, these solutions simply improve the quality of the erection a man already has. That’s why it’s important to remember that these pills don’t work in the absence of a normal libido: they don’t mechanically provoke an erection, they considerably improve it when it occurs! Take real pleasure and let the pills do their work on the mute!

See the “Sexual performance” section to find out more about the most popular products.

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