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How to measure your body fat percentage? Here are the 10 best ways to do it

How to measure your body fat percentage? Here are the 10 best ways to do it

Sometimes it’s frustrating to get on the scale and see no change despite your best efforts. And while it’s natural to want to see the first concrete signs of progress, the truth is that body weight shouldn’t be the main objective. Instead, you should be concerned with your body fat percentage. It’s important to know […]

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What if the way you weigh yourself is wrong?

What if the way you weigh yourself is wrong?

Most women tend to determine their weight by comparing themselves to other women, by contemplating their reflection in the mirror or by stepping on the scales. Getting an idea of your weight based solely on what you see is a major mistake when it comes to determining your healthy weight. Women are tormented by questions […]

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22 high-fiber foods you should eat

22 high-fiber foods you should eat

Why should you eat high-fiber foods? Because fiber is incredibly important. Fiber escapes digestion in the stomach and eventually reaches the intestine. There, they nourish friendly intestinal bacteria, leading to all kinds of health benefits [1, 2]. Fibre also promotes weight loss, lowers blood sugar levels and combats constipation. [3, 4, 5]. The recommended daily […]

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What is an eating disorder and how is it treated?

What is an eating disorder and how is it treated?

Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder affect both men and women. These are serious illnesses that can lead to serious physical problems, such as heart problems or kidney failure. Often, an eating disorder is associated with other problems, such as stress, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Although eating disorders can affect […]

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The worst breakfast foods you should really stop eating

The worst breakfast foods you should really stop eating

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but also the most difficult. It’s the first meal after a long night’s sleep. That’s why it’s important to pay close attention to its composition. Unfortunately, many people ignore this information and don’t give this meal the importance it deserves. From a nutritional point of view, […]

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False habits you think are healthy but slow down your metabolism

False habits you think are healthy but slow down your metabolism

As you may have noticed, some people, even if they overeat, hardly gain any weight! On the other hand, other people, even when they try hard and control their diet, fail to maintain their ideal healthy weight. In this article, we’ll look at five of the habits that slow down metabolism.

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9 physical exercises that don’t burn as many calories as you think

9 physical exercises that don’t burn as many calories as you think

It’s always a good idea to exercise whenever you can. But if your goal is to lose weight, you need to realize that some of your favorite exercises don’t burn calories, at least not as much as you thought. Here are a few examples…

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Easy Training’ series: Exercise 3 – Chair cardio

Easy Training’ series: Exercise 3 – Chair cardio

Did you know that your office chair that keeps you in prison all day can have other very interesting uses? In fact, you can use it to improve your physical condition and stay in great shape! In fact, this Cardio chaise exercise is done using your office chair. You won’t need anything else. You don’t […]

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Successful detox: Do’s and don’ts!

Successful detox: Do’s and don’ts!

Detox cure… what’s it all about? It’s almost the end of one year, and the beginning of a whole new one! While many of you are busy preparing for family celebrations, or tallying up the year’s bills, or…, some (and especially some!) are engaged in a completely different activity: resolutions! It’s the perfect time to […]

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5 easy ways to eat more dietary fiber

5 easy ways to eat more dietary fiber

Eating enough dietary fiber is important to help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. Research also suggests that eating fiber-rich foods could boost weight loss by helping you feel fuller after eating. But most of us only consume half of what we should. Nutritional guidelines recommend 25 to […]

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