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Erectile dysfunction in men: Causes and possible treatments

Erectile dysfunction in men: Causes and possible treatments

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that can affect any man regardless of age or health. In this article, we’ve tried to bring together information that will help any man understand his problem. This information concerns the common causes of erectile dysfunction, as well as some examples of solutions and advice that can help every man […]

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Easy Training’ series: Exercise 4 – Full-body stretch

Easy Training’ series: Exercise 4 – Full-body stretch

Sometimes muscular pain prevents us from exercising on a regular basis. The ‘whole-body stretch’ is a complete exercise that will help you get rid of these aches and pains. This series of 6 movements is easy to perform, ideal for beginners and requires no equipment. You can do it every day on your own or […]

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How to build muscle mass

How to build muscle mass

Many people would like to gain muscle mass and have an imposing physique, but what they don’t know is where to start. To build muscle, it’s not enough to do exercises willy-nilly. There’s a certain method to follow and a few pitfalls to avoid! In this article, we’ll try to give you a few tips […]

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The dangers of heavy metals and how to detoxify

The dangers of heavy metals and how to detoxify

The symptoms and chronic illnesses associated with heavy metal intoxication (also known as heavy metal poisoning) are now considered a health problem of worldwide concern. [1]. Exposure to toxic heavy metals is thought to be a contributing factor, if not a direct cause, of symptoms such as low energy, mood disorders and cognitive changes. Heavy […]

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List of slimming supplements classified as dangerous by the FDA

List of slimming supplements classified as dangerous by the FDA

The FDA (US Food & Drug Administration) publishes a regularly updated list of unsafe slimming supplements on its official website. These products all represent irregularities in the agency’s standards and guidelines, hiding an ingredient without mentioning it in their displayed composition, or using a prohibited ingredient, for example. This list is not exhaustive, and the […]

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Is it necessary to calculate calories to lose weight?

Is it necessary to calculate calories to lose weight?

Every time we have to calculate calories in order to lose weight, we quickly get bored and give up. In fact, this seems to be the most common reason why many diets and slimming cures are abandoned. It’s true that calculating daily food intake to create a calorie deficit is a solution that works. But […]

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10 signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency

10 signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency

Iodine is an essential mineral not synthesized by the body. It is used by the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones, which control the growth and repair of damaged cells and promote healthy metabolism. According to statistics, around a third of the world’s population suffers from iodine deficiency. The people most affected by this deficiency […]

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Chrononutrition, or how to lose weight without depriving yourself!

Chrononutrition, or how to lose weight without depriving yourself!

Chrononutrition, which I’ve chosen to talk about today, is one of those methods that doesn’t involve cutting back on food. Contrary to what most slimming dieters think, not all diets are restrictive – or at least they shouldn’t be! Rather, this method is a way of returning our bodies to the eating habits inherited from […]

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Cellulite, an ugly disease that isn’t!

Cellulite, an ugly disease that isn’t!

Cellulite, a worldwide phenomenon that affects between 85% and 90% of women of all ages, and some men too (5%)! Although MesDames have always considered it a difficult disease to treat, science doesn’t seem to agree. Rather, according to many experts in the field, it’s an aesthetic concern that sufferers actively seek to eliminate so […]

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Surprising truths you don’t know about your metabolism

Surprising truths you don’t know about your metabolism

Would you like to speed up your metabolism? You probably know that when this process malfunctions, the body can start to suffer from certain health complications such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or overweight. But before you start looking for solutions to boost your metabolism, are you sure your knowledge of this biochemical process is correct? […]

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