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Article by Corinne Kepler

Dietary recipes to lose weight

Updated on 3 November 2023.

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Diet recipes to lose weightLike everyone else, you probably have a booklet of diet recipes in the back of a drawer, but you’ve hardly ever touched it. You may have tried one or two recipes the week you bought it, but since then, you’ve forgotten all about it…
And yet, these dietetic recipes, illustrated with calorie counts and all the explanations and tips for healthy eating, generally make you lose weight!

Combined with the right weight-loss supplement (many of which you’ll find on this site), a slightly low-calorie diet is sure to help you shed those pesky pounds!

There’s a reason why these diet recipe booklets aren’t always useful: they offer a huge number of recipes, most of which contain ingredients you don’t have at home, aren’t appetizing or simply never know what to choose!

What you need is a complete program, covering the whole week, that you can follow more easily and more rigorously.

The program we’re proposing here includes dietary recipes based on the daily requirements of an active person, and are therefore designed not only to help you lose weight, but also to provide you with your vitamin and energy needs. In this sense, you need proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

A low-calorie diet doesn’t have to be restrictive and frustrating. It’s simply a question of finding the right balance between calorie expenditure and intake, while respecting the body’s needs.

This diet is ideal for optimizing the effect of your slimming pill. You’ll notice that it allows you to maintain a normal pace of life (no fatigue or headaches), stay healthy and lose weight visibly and, above all, sensibly!

One-week program of diet recipes to lose weight

example-of-diet-recipes-for-loss-with-applesBefore I give you the complete program for the week, here are a few recommendations to help you personalize this diet and follow it with pleasure:

  • There’s no harm in reversing meals between days, for example by eating Monday’s breakfast on Thursday and Thursday’s on Monday. The program is there to guide you, not to impose a strict line for you to follow;
  • Similarly, if you particularly like breakfast on a particular day, you can eat it two days in a row. Treat yourself!
  • Good hydration is essential to the success of this diet and the weight loss that follows. You need to drink water constantly. Water and nothing but water. You shouldn’t replace it with coffee or juice.

The great thing about this diet is that it’s anything but frustrating. Its main aim is to provide you with a healthy, balanced diet, while avoiding the usual side effects of other diets.

Try to follow this program of diet recipes rigorously, in combination with the weight-loss medication that suits you best, and you’ll start losing weight faster than you think!
1377879781_diagram-11Diet recipes: MONDAY

  • 1 Glass of fresh orange juice
  • 1 Sugar-free plain yoghurt
  • 3 slices wholemeal bread + 1 knob butter
  • Sugar-free coffee (or green tea)


  • 1 Bowl of fat-free vegetable broth
  • Salmon papillote with lemon
  • 1 Plate of steamed green beans
  • 100g fromage blanc
  • 1 Pear

Snack (16h-17h)

  • 1 apple
  • 1 Infusion of cherry stems (a concentrate of benefits and positive effects)


  • 1 to 2 slices of fat-free white ham
  • 1 Lamb’s lettuce salad with 1 tomato + 1 drizzle of olive oil
  • 2 slices wholemeal bread + 1/8th camembert cheese
  • 2 Clementines

1377879781_diagram-11Dietary recipes TUESDAY

  • 1 Glass of fresh orange juice
  • 2 slices wholemeal bread + 1 knob butter
  • 100g sugar-free fromage frais
  • Sugar-free coffee (or green tea)


  • ½ Grapefruit
  • 1 Grilled steak + herbs + 1 teaspoon mustard of your choice (cannot be replaced by mayonnaise)
  • 1 Plate of steamed green vegetables
  • 2 sugar-free Petits-Suisses

Snack (16h-17h)

  • Green tea
  • 2 Clementines


  • 1 Large bowl of homemade vegetable soup
  • 2 Scrambled eggs with chives
  • 2 slices wholemeal bread
  • 100g low-fat fromage frais
  • 1 Pear

1377879781_diagram-11Dietetic recipes WEDNESDAY

  • 1 Glass of fresh orange juice
  • 1 Plain sugar-free yoghurt
  • 3 slices wholemeal bread + 1 knob butter
  • Sugar-free coffee (or green tea)


  • 1 Bowl of fat-free vegetable broth
  • Salmon papillote with lemon
  • 1 Plate of steamed green beans
  • 100g fromage blanc
  • 1 Pear

Snack (16h-17h)

  • 1 apple
  • 1 Infusion of cherry stems


  • 1 to 2 slices of fat-free white ham
  • 1 Lamb’s lettuce salad with 1 tomato + 1 drizzle of olive oil
  • 2 slices wholemeal bread + 1/8th camembert cheese
  • 2 Clementines

1377879781_diagram-11Dietetic recipes for THURSDAY

  • 1 Glass of pure grapefruit juice
  • 100g fromage blanc
  • 2 Kiwis
  • 2 Rice cakes
  • Coffee (or green tea) without sugar


  • Grated carrots + lemon juice + 1 tablespoon rapeseed oil
  • Baked cod fillet
  • 1 Plate of broccoli
  • 1 Plain yoghurt
  • 2 Clementines

Snack (16h-17h)

  • 1 Green tea
  • 2 Dark chocolate squares (70% cocoa)


  • 1 Large bowl of vegetable soup
  • 1 Fresh salad: tomatoes, canned tuna, diced peppers, cucumber, radishes… + 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 100g fromage frais
  • 1 pear

1377879781_diagram-11FRIDAY Diet Recipes

  • 1 Large glass of orange juice
  • 2 slices rye bread + 1 knob butter
  • 2 Kiwis
  • 1 handful of almonds
  • Coffee (or green tea) without sugar


  • Grilled steak
  • 200g steamed Julienne vegetables
  • 1 slice wholemeal bread
  • 30g Gruyère cheese
  • 1 Orange

Snack (16h-17h)

  • 1 Green tea
  • 2 brown rice cakes


  • 1-2 slices of chicken ham
  • 200g leek fondue
  • 1 Plain yoghurt
  • 2 Clementines

1377879781_diagram-11SATURDAY Diet Recipes

  • 1 Glass of 100% pure apple juice
  • 3 Slices of rye bread + 1 knob of butter
  • 2 Kiwis
  • Coffee (or green tea) without sugar


  • 2 Spring rolls
  • 100g cooked shrimps with garlic
  • Wok-fried vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cabbage, etc.) + 1 spoonful of soy sauce
  • 1 Mango
  • 1 plain yoghurt, sugar-free or with sweetener

Snack (16h-17h)

  • Green tea
  • 100g fromage blanc


  • Low-fat endives au gratin: 2 endives + 1 slice of white ham + 3 tablespoons low-fat crème fraiche (maximum 15% fat) + 20g grated Gruyère cheese
  • 1 plain yoghurt, sugar-free or with sweetener
  • 1 orange

1377879781_diagram-11SUNDAY Diet Recipes

  • 1 Glass of homemade smoothie (1 apple, 1 banana, 1 orange)
  • 1 Croissant
  • 2 Kiwis
  • Coffee (or green tea) without sugar


  • Lamb’s lettuce salad with walnuts + drizzle of olive oil
  • 1 Roast skinless chicken leg
  • 1 Plate of steamed parsleyed green beans
  • 1 Apple compote with no added sugar + a few crushed almonds

Snack (16h-17h)

  • Infusion of cherry stems
  • 3 Petits-beurre + 1 square of dark chocolate


  • Vegetable pizza (tomatoes, artichoke hearts, peppers…)
  • 1 Plain yoghurt, sugar-free or with sweetener
  • 2 Clementines

This diet is inspired by the slimming menu validated by a dietician on the “Aujourd’hui” website. (Source: Aujourd’hui.com – A week’s slimming menu).

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