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Article by Corinne Kepler

5 myths about diet pills

Updated on 13 April 2024.

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Myth or realityWhen it comes to diet pills, you’re bound to hear a lot of “legends” – in other words, stories about people who have lost weight this way or that.

Sometimes, these stories are completely far-fetched. Always be aware that the weight-loss market is extremely profitable, and that some unscrupulous people will promise you the best in order to get you to buy their products.

Cooking shows have never been as popular as they are today, and on the other hand, there have never been so many overweight people. We are inundated daily with images of food, and for some people, the only way to cope with this omnipresent temptation is to eat. Hence the growing percentage of obese people in the population.

At the same time, the number of people wanting to lose weight is increasing daily, and the weight-loss market offers a panoply of products that you shouldn’t take lightly. Some of them simply don’t live up to their promises, while others go further and can be downright dangerous.

Here are 5 of the most persistent myths about diet pills.

Myth 1 : Losing weight in just a few days

man-doing-research-about-slimming-pillsProbably one of the most popular myths. A tempting advertisement promising extremely rapid weight loss, backed up by the testimonials of many people.

These slimming pills may seem tempting. They generally contain a blend of diuretic ingredients that will help you fight water retention and perhaps even eliminate it. In effect, you’ll lose a little weight, but measured in water loss rather than fat loss.

What’s more, this type of treatment can be dangerous, causing severe dehydration over long periods of use.

Myth 2 : Slimming pills have no side effects

Slimming pills contain a whole host of ingredients, depending on their manufacture and the origin of their ingredients. For example, pills designed to capture fat from your food may cause unpleasant digestive effects. Admittedly, this won’t make you ill, but the consequences can be particularly unpleasant. You’ll spend a lot more time in the bathroom, and suffer from particularly unpleasant digestive discomfort.

What’s more, most of these pills are made from Orlistat, whose side effects are world-famous. This ingredient can cause severe damage to internal organs such as the liver and kidneys, leading to hepatitis or serious kidney problems, migraines, stomach problems, depression or increased fatigue…

On the other hand, most of these pills also contain caffeine, which is harmless most of the time, but can cause side effects in particularly sensitive individuals or following ingestion of high doses of caffeine. Checking the caffeine content is a prerequisite for choosing a dietary supplement for weight loss.

Myth 3 : Free trials are a cost-effective way of testing slimming pills.

Free trial Read terms and conditions carefullyNothing is free in this world, and certainly not slimming pills. So, no matter how tempting these free trials may seem, don’t be fooled! Read between the lines.

Free trials are generally designed to lure you into repetitive subscriptions that are very difficult to get out of. The terms of the contract often conceal clauses written in illegible small print, and the premeditated absence of any means of contact with the manufacturer, including a telephone number, denies you any possibility of making direct contact with the supplier. As a result, you’ll continue to receive more and more pills against your will, while being forced to pay for them in full.

So keep in mind that a serious company will never offer you a free trial!

We’ve spoken at length about the free trial scam on our site, and have even published a special article on the subject to warn our readers and help those who have already fallen into this trap (Read our article).

Myth 4 : You don’t need to exercise or change the way you eat.

No pill in the world can help you lose weight without changing your bad eating habits or your physical idleness. If you want to lose weight, you have to make an effort, starting by changing the way you eat and moving around.

Results won’t be visible overnight, but coupled with better eating habits and a bit of exercise, you should be able to achieve the goals you’ve set yourself.

Many people have achieved results by combining the use of a dietary supplement with a balanced diet and exercise.

Myth 5 : You can target the area of your body where you want to lose weight.

Many products and exercises promise that you can get rid of unwanted body fat wherever you want. However, it’s impossible to lose fat in a specific area of your body.

In fact, when you lose weight, it’s your body as a whole that’s going to slim down, not a particular spot.

We hope that knowing these 5 misconceptions about slimming pills will help you to better understand the effect of these pills and guide your next choice.

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