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Posted by René Ronse

PhenQ, Reviews, Advice & Pitfalls, We reveal everything!

Updated on 26 March 2024.
Rating: 4.7/5. From 3 votes.
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Evaluation, Rating and Critical Review of PhenQ


Product name : PhenQ

Brand : PhenQ

Responsible : Wolfson Berg Ltd.

Official Website :

Language : English

Tiny description : Slimming, appetite suppressant and fat-burning tablet.

Price : $69.95

Format : Bottle of 60 pills.

Delivery: Free, fast and secure.

Guarantee : 67 days (100% money back if not satisfied)

Description of PhenQ :

“PhenQ” is a product that combines the benefits of different slimming supplements to achieve optimal weight loss!

Review of PhenQ :

“PhenQ” is a slimming tablet that adds the positive slimming effects of several food supplements to offer you an unequalled weight loss result!

Indeed, this new slimming food supplement has, thanks to its innovative formula, several strings to its bow!

What are the properties of the product?

“PhenQ” is formulated to provide us with a wide range of actions that should promote weight loss.

Here is the list of the beneficial effects of this slimming pill:

 – An effect that stops the production of fat!
 – An effect that boosts the metabolism to burn fat!
 – An appetite suppressant effect that suppresses the appetite!
 – An effect that gives the body a surplus of energy!
 – An effect that acts positively on the mood!

What are the ingredients contained in “PHENQ”?

PhenQ“Phenq” is a dietary supplement manufactured with pharmaceutical grade ingredients in facilities that meet strict US and UK pharmaceutical standards and are FDA approved!

The ingredients that go into the composition of this slimming tablet are :

  1. Capsimax powder composed of a blend of capsicum, piperine, caffeine, and niacin.

– Capsicum (chili pepper extract) will provide its fat-burning effects.
– Piperine (black pepper) will promote weight loss by raising body temperature.
– Caffeine provides stimulating and diuretic effects.
– Niacin (vitamin B3) promotes energy production.

  2. Chromium Picolinate.

– Chromium Picolinate promotes carbohydrate reduction and helps the body control blood sugar levels.

  3. Caffeine.

– Caffeine is a natural stimulant that reduces fatigue, increases physical performance and concentration.
– Caffeine also increases thermogenesis levels and therefore promotes weight loss.

  4. a-Lacys Reset®.

– a-Lacys Reset® is a patented complex composed of Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Cysteine and Magnesium. This synergy regulates cell balance by controlling and neutralizing a large number of radicals linked to intense training, aging and general disorders.

  5. Nopal.

– Nopal, a cactus extremely rich in amino acids, is a high source of fiber that helps control appetite.
– Nopal also helps reduce water retention.

  6. L-Carnitine.

– L-Carnitine is a natural amino acid that promotes the conversion of fat reserves into energy.

  7. Innoslim.

– Innoslim is a patented blend of ginseng and astragalus that stimulates the release of fat-burning hormones.
– This blend also hinders the absorption of carbohydrates in the gut.

  8. B Vitamins.

– B vitamins (B3, B6 and B12) help convert nutrients into usable energy and reduce fatigue.
– They are beneficial for maintaining an active metabolism and reducing fatigue associated with weight loss.

  9. Iodine.

– Iodine is an essential mineral for the production of thyroid hormones. These hormones play a crucial role in regulating metabolism. A balanced metabolism is important for weight loss, as it determines the rate at which your body burns calories. By ensuring adequate iodine intake, you promote the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of thyroid hormones, which can help maintain a healthy, efficient metabolism that can in turn facilitate weight loss and help maintain a good mood.

How does it work?

“PhenQ” will have a beneficial action on weight loss by acting on several factors responsible for weight gain.

 – The slow metabolism

This food supplement will boost the metabolism in order to accelerate the expenditure of calories.

 – Fats

It will reduce the production of new fats and will also promote the combustion of stored fats thanks to a powerful thermogenic effect.

 – Cravings

This slimming pill will also help control appetite with its appetite suppressant effect.

 – Fatigue

Thanks to an energy boosting effect, this weight loss capsule will have the advantage of recharging your batteries while fighting against depression and stress.

The combination of these slimming effects makes “PhenQ” a weight-loss ally capable of helping you effectively in your weight loss process!

Posology :

The “Phen Q” comes in the form of slimming tablets, it is marketed in bottles of 60 tablets.

The pill of “PHEN Q” is easy to swallow and is taken twice a day, at breakfast and lunch.

Questions / Réponses:

Ce chapitre vous aidera à répondre aux questions les plus fréquentes concernant “PhenQ”.

Quelle est la durée minimale recommandée pour prendre “PhenQ”?

Selon le site officiel, la durée d’utilisation minimale recommandée pour “PhenQ” est de 2 mois.

Quelle est la durée maximale d’utilisation?

Sans effet secondaire, vous pouvez le consommer aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez.

“PhenQ” fonctionne-t-il pour tout le monde?

Malheureusement non, le bon fonctionnement de ce complément depend de nombreux facteurs allant des antécédents médicaux, familiaux à la démarche minceur que vous allez suivre. Mais, sachez que “Phen Q” est le complément minceur qui, d’après les témoignages récoltés sur ce site mais aussi lors de nos recherches, donne les meilleurs résultats.

Ce complément minceur convient-il aux hommes comme aux femmes?

Oui, le produit convient à tout le monde. Les effets vont agir de la même façon que l’on soit un homme ou une femme.

Puis-je prendre “PhenQ” si je suis végétarien?

Oui, vous pouvez consommer le produit car il est composé à 100% d’ingrédients végétariens et végétaliens.

Quelles sont les personnes qui ne devraient jamais consommer ce complément alimentaire?

La consommation de “PhenQ est déconseillée aux femmes enceintes ou allaitantes et aux personnes de moins de 18 ans. Si vous êtes malade ou sous prescription médicale, il est nécessaire de consulter votre médecin avant de consommer ce produit.

Comment faut-il prendre les gélules?

La posologie est de 2 comprimés par jour, un le matin durant le petit-déjeuner et un autre le soir durant le diner (à prendre avec un grand verre d’eau).

Quel sont les délais de livraison?

“Phen Q” offre une livraison sécurisée sans frais d’expédition. Selon le pays de destination, le délai varie de 2 à 10 jours ouvrables.

Y a-t-il un risque d’abonnement ou de frais caché avec l’achat de ce produit?

Non, Le fabricant de ce produit est tout ce qu’il y a de plus sérieux. Aucun frais caché, abonnement récurrent, revente de données ou autres pratiques douteuses connues ne sont utilisés sur le site officiel de “PhenQ”.

Further information :

PhenQDeliveries are fast and secure, and they are free of charge from the purchase of two bottles of this slimming tablet.

Customer support is friendly and efficient. It is accessible via a direct chat system, via an online form, by phone and even with the WhatsApp mobile application.

The “PhenQ” dietary supplement is a real evolution in slimming supplements since it will bring you effective fat burning effects, appetite suppressant effects, effects to prevent the production of new fat as well as energy boosting effects!

Disadvantage of PhenQ :

“PhenQ” is not suitable for pregnant or nursing women, persons under 18 years of age, persons suffering from depression, diabetes, endocrine disorders, autoimmune diseases, prostatic hypertrophy, liver disease, kidney disease, prostate cancer, testicular cancer or breast cancer.
If you have any medical concerns or if you are under medical prescription, it is advised to consult a doctor before taking this weight loss supplement.

It is not advisable to take a “phenq” tablet after 15 hours as it may prevent you from getting to sleep.

Reputation of PhenQ :

This slimming supplement enjoys a rather good reputation on the Internet, and, the opinion that is formed based on the various opinions, testimonies, criticisms and comments available on the Web, is that “PHEN Q” appears to be a slimming solution that provides very good results!

Wolfson Berg Limited has an excellent reputation, its name has been synonymous with confidence in the dietary supplement industry for over 10 years!

Conclusion for PhenQ :

PhenQ Arnaque Ou FiableAs I keep repeating, I am not fond of these diet pills which are mostly scams and sometimes even harmful to my health.

That being said, I must admit that the opinions about the “PhenQ” slimming tablet are quite good, which forces me to approve and recommend this product.

But keep in mind that even if this slimming product is effective, it will only give you a boost to lose weight and, a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet will always be the only effective solution on the long term!

Official Website :

Go to the official website: PhenQ

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