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All articles published by Complément Minceur

Why should you take the minimum recommended exercise?

Why should you take the minimum recommended exercise?

Scientific researchers have long been studying the negative impact of sedentary habits such as physical inactivity on human health. Indeed, obesity and overweight, like many other factors such as smoking or poor sleep, represent high-risk factors that can lead to numerous chronic diseases. Clearly, a healthy diet and a minimum of physical activity are the […]

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Here are 4 cooking mistakes you make that make you gain weight

Here are 4 cooking mistakes you make that make you gain weight

Cooking at home sounds like a much healthier option than eating out, doesn’t it? A recent study showed that middle-aged women who spent more time cooking at home were more likely to prevent metabolic syndrome. This study was based more on the concept of cooking at home than on the wholesomeness of cooked meals. In […]

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Could this study explain the mechanism of binge eating?

Could this study explain the mechanism of binge eating?

Today, obesity is perceived as a global epidemic that global health organizations are struggling to contain. This sickly phenomenon is closely linked to economic development, which creates the perfect context for the “proliferation” of harmful eating habits such as binge eating. To better understand how so-called obesogenic environments can lead to binge eating and promote […]

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Common symptoms of food allergies and 6 ways to reduce them

Common symptoms of food allergies and 6 ways to reduce them

Food allergy is one of the immune diseases that constitute a serious health problem worldwide. An estimated one-fifth of the population believe they have adverse reactions to food, but the actual prevalence of food allergies varies between 3% and 4% of the world’s population. Despite the seriousness of the risks of allergic reactions – which […]

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How to maintain a regular exercise rhythm with a good training plan?

How to maintain a regular exercise rhythm with a good training plan?

Why is an active lifestyle training plan essential to maintaining and succeeding in weight loss? Success in life isn’t just about having a good professional career or financial stability. It’s also about being successful mentally, behaviorally and physically. To succeed, you need to keep your mind stimulated, because challenging bad habits is no easy task. […]

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Burn 300 calories in just 10 minutes with these exercises

Burn 300 calories in just 10 minutes with these exercises

Here are some examples of moderate activities that will help you burn 300 calories, provided you have the time to do them. For those of you who don’t even have time to read this part of the article, skip ahead to part two, where we show examples of exercises to burn 300 calories in 10 […]

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HIIT, a quick at-home workout for a slimmer figure

HIIT, a quick at-home workout for a slimmer figure

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), or High Intensity Interval Training, has caused quite a stir in the fitness industry, since studies carried out over the last decade have shown that just two minutes of rapid home training a day can make a very significant difference to body weight and fitness levels. This new approach offers […]

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8 tips for a successful sugar-free diet

8 tips for a successful sugar-free diet

These days, the average adult consumes more sugar than they actually need. And thinking about reducing the amount of sugar consumed, or even adopting a sugar-free diet can be a good resolution for most people. We can’t help but notice that this type of diet is gaining in popularity every day. This is due to […]

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What are the health risks of sugar and how can you reduce your intake?

What are the health risks of sugar and how can you reduce your intake?

Despite all the dangers of added sugar to human health, it is present in almost all the products we consume on a daily basis. Due to lack of time and the constraints of work, many people, especially in Western societies, have a diet – and therefore a calorie intake – based largely on fast food […]

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How to choose your slimming food supplement?

How to choose your slimming food supplement?

According to Wikipedia, a dietary supplement is a foodstuff designed to provide the body with additional nutrients or substances with a nutritional or physiological effect (minerals, vitamins, acids, etc.) to make up for the lack or insufficiency of these substances in an individual’s normal diet. A slimming dietary supplement is, as its name suggests, a […]

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