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Article by René Ronse

Google, from Benefactor to Life Breaker!

Updated on 13 August 2024.

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Google, good or evilGoogle, founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, quickly became much more than just a search engine. In just a few years, the company has established itself as a key digital player, transforming the way we search for information, communicate and even consume.

Through a multitude of services and products, Google has won the trust of billions of users worldwide. However, with its meteoric expansion and growing influence, crucial questions are emerging about the power it now holds over our digital lives.

Google Search, from the Rise of a Giant to the Drift of an Uncontrolled Power…

Google is the search engine that rules the Internet! In fact, with over 90% of the world’s market share, it’s so powerful that it can :

  • influence the opinions and choices of an entire population!
  • decide the success or failure of businesses!
  • collect and analyze astronomical amounts of personal data in real time!
  • redefine market rules by imposing its own technological standards!
  • shape the way we access information and use the media!
  • dictate global trends in online advertising!
  • influence government policies through its lobbying and economic power!
  • transform entire sectors of the economy through its innovations and acquisitions!

This unprecedented influence raises questions about the limits of a private company’s power in our society. Especially as everything seems to be going downhill these days!

From exemplary service to destructive force

Just a few years ago, Google Search was an excellent search engine that prioritized consumer service above all else, with search results based solely on the interests of Internet users! Everyone agreed that Google was a godsend, enabling us to quickly find reliable answers to our most frequently asked questions!

That’s all changed recently! Search results are getting worse and worse, especially for product searches, featuring websites with stolen content, sites that try to deceive users, worthless and insipid sites, or sites flooded with advertising! Not to mention the sponsored ads that are taking up more and more space in search results.

All of this is costing consumers and advertisers a lot of money, and increasing the financial losses of everyone except Google!

When the friend becomes the enemy

It’s even worse for web designers, who find themselves totally destroyed! Since Google is so powerful, it decides which websites are valuable. The problem is that it changes its mind all the time, making drastic updates that turn search results upside down from one day to the next! As a result, it can consider a website to be of high quality one day and mediocre a few months later, and vice versa! It’s impossible for web designers to do anything about it!

A positive update gives the website owner the impression of having a quality site, with an acceptable monthly income. This person then decides to make a living of it, and invests himself wholeheartedly in his new activity! Then, one day, a few months later, Google decides to carry out an update which classifies his site as mediocre, without any warning, reason or explanation. From one day to the next, this person who has devoted time and money to his business, investing himself wholeheartedly, finds himself with no income, powerless in the face of this situation.

And what does Google say, patience, improve the quality of your website, the next updates may possibly help you recover your position …

In the meantime, these people no longer have any income, and their lives and those of their families are being turned upside down, if not totally destroyed!


Unfortunately, Google’s notoriety and power have become such that it has been playing God for several years now. Shattering lives to the rhythm of its updates, like a child plucking the wings off a fly without really realizing what he’s doing!

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